Raising awareness and educating people about the severe risks associated with impaired driving can help save lives. DWI accidents frequently have devastating consequences, and every one of these crashes is absolutely preventable. With safety and prevention in mind, let’s consider some facts from Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
In terms of collisions, injuries, deaths and arrests, roughly 1/3 of the problem of drunk driving is due to repeat offenders, according to MADD. It is estimated that between 50-75% of DWI offenders who have had their license taken away continue to drive. Drunk driving in New York is no exception, though the state’s Leandra’s Law provides for the installation of ignition interlock devices after a DWI conviction to counter this statistic. Even with this, however, more needs to be done to prevent first and subsequent offenses.
MADD reports that close to one out of every three fatal motor vehicle accidents involve a drunk driver – an estimate that is particularly telling when you consider these numbers:
- Each year, Americans make about 233 billion car trips.
- Out of every 2,000 of those trips, one involves a driver who is under the influence of alcohol.
In other words, a proportionally small amount of the population – drunk drivers – cause a proportionally huge amount of damage and loss. MADD reports that someone is hurt in a drunk driving accident every 90 seconds, and on average, someone is killed every 53 minutes in a DWI crash.
After an injurious or fatal DWI accident, victims or their families have a right to seek justice in civil court in addition to criminal court. In a civil capacity, a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit can lead to compensation for damages as well as hold the wrong doer fully accountable.
If you or a loved one have been harmed due to someone driving while impaired, let the personal injury attorneys at Maynard, O’Conner, Smith & Catalinotto help you. Our offices are conveniently located in Albany, Johnstown & Saugerties, serving clients throughout the Capital Region as well as Hudson, Amsterdam and other areas of Upstate New York. Contact us or give us a call at (800) 721-3553 to schedule a free consultation.