The time following a car accident that leaves you severely injured can be incredibly stressful. Between recovering physically and emotionally, coping with lost wages, dealing with missed work time and more, hiring a lawyer may be the last thing on your mind.
But if you’ve been injured because of the negligence of another individual, hiring a personal immediately following a car crash in Upstate NY is incredibly important for a number of reasons.
Thinking of going it alone when it comes to pursing compensation after a car accident? Read this first and you might change your mind.
Why You Should Hire An Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer After an Upstate NY Car Crash
While insurance companies may want you to believe that hiring an attorney is an unnecessary expense, having an advocate to protect you and your interests is crucial in the time following a car accident. If you’re hoping to obtain maximum compensation for the damages you’ve endured, hiring a personal injury attorney is in your best interest.
How Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Help You After a Car Accident?
There are several ways an attorney can help you after an accident:
A Lawyer Can Help You To Determine If You Have a Personal Injury Case
Not all accidents and injuries result in feasible personal injury cases. In other words, just because you were injured in a car accident does not automatically mean you have a viable personal injury case on your hands. A personal injury attorney can consult with you and carefully review the details of your case to determine if it’s possible for you to pursue compensation and bring a viable case based on their legal knowledge and previous experience with similar cases.
A Lawyer Can Represent You If You Choose to Pursue Compensation For Your Injuries By Filing a Lawsuit
Unless you have extensive legal knowledge, you’ll likely want someone well qualified to represent you if you do choose to move forward with filing a lawsuit to pursue compensation for your injuries and damages. Personal injury lawyers have access to resources, including expert witnesses, reference documents, and other lawyers, that you won’t have. If you choose to represent yourself, you may be at a disadvantage, especially if the other party involved has hired an attorney.
A Lawyer Can Determine How Much Compensation You Are Entitled To
There is no “blue book” for determining the value of personal injury cases. Every case is different and many details of a case must be explored in order to determine how much compensation can feasibly be expected. Case values are often determined based on precedents set by previous cases, so the best way to truly understand what your case is worth is to work closely with an experienced personal injury attorney.
A Lawyer Can Advocate For You When You’re Faced with the Myriad of Insurance Companies, Investigators, Agents & Adjusters Involved After a Car Accident
Car accidents, especially those that result in serious injuries and damages, result in extensive follow up. You’ll likely be contacted by the involved insurance companies, as well as investigators, agents, adjusters and others during the aftermath of the accident – especially if you’ve chosen to pursue compensation from the responsible party. Attorneys can help you navigate these confrontations and make choices with your self interest in mind along the way.
A Lawyer Can Prevent You from Admitting Fault or Saying Anything That Can Undermine the Strength of Your Case
After a car accident, you’ll need to be careful what you say and who you speak with, as seemingly innocent statements may end up undermining your case or implying fault. An experienced personal injury attorney can guide you to ensure that your case is as strong as possible if you do choose to move forward with pursuing compensation.
A Lawyer Can Collect Evidence, Medical Records & Police Reports
Attorneys are professional investigators and will obtain the facts and evidence necessary to support your claim. Your personal injury attorney will know what to look for and how to obtain what they need to strengthen your case and give you the best chance at success when it comes to pursuing the compensation you deserve.
These just scratch the surface of the benefits you gain by having an attorney advocate after you’ve been involved in a car accident. From taking the immense stress off of you to handling your case in an efficient manner, working with an experienced personal injury attorney can greatly benefit you
If You Need a Lawyer After a Car Crash in Upstate NY, Contact Maynard Injury Law
When you’ve been involved in a car crash having a solid attorney conversant in such accidents on your side is important, especially if you hope to successfully pursue the compensation you deserve.
At Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, our team of car accident attorneys is skilled in handling all types of car accident cases, from trucking accidents to car accidents involving comparative negligence and more. We know what it takes to get you the compensation you deserve and we’ve achieved impressive awards and settlements for clients in the past.
Serving Albany, Saugerties, Johnstown and beyond, we are familiar with the legalities of car accidents in Upstate NY and have the knowledge and experience necessary to obtain the compensation you are entitled to for the injuries and damages caused by someone else’s negligence.
If you want a lawyer that will fight for you and obtain justice for your injuries after an Upstate NY car accident, contact us today! Give us a call at (800) 721-3553 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced car accident attorneys.
Looking for more information about the steps to take after a serious car accident? Be sure to review the following resources:
What to Do After a Car Accident: Learn about the steps to take immediately following a serious car accident to ensure your rights are protected.
How to Choose The Right Personal Injury Attorney: You’ve decided that working with an experienced attorney is in your best interest. Here’s how to choose the personal injury attorney that will suit you best.
How to Obtain a Car Accident Report in New York State: A car accident report is one thing you’ll want to have on hand after an accident. Find out how to obtain a car accident report from the proper authorities based on where your accident occurred.
Editor’s Note: This content was originally published in 2015, but has been updated as of September 2018.