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Timeline of a Personal Injury Case: How Long Will It Take To Pursue Your Case?

Posted on: February 8th, 2019

StopwatchWhen considering pursing a lawsuit to recover damages after sustaining injuries, one of the most frequent questions individuals ask is how long is the process going to take?

Unfortunately, it’s also one of the more difficult questions to answer.

Some cases may settle quickly, but most cases span more than a year, sometimes several years. There are many factors that come into play in how long a lawsuit takes from start to finish.

Factors That Influence How Long a Personal Injury Case Will Take

Injury Severity

First, the severity of the injuries is a factor. If you are suffering from extensive injuries that may take time to reach maximum recovery or if future treatment or surgery is necessary to treat your injuries, any resultant case likely would not conclude until you have reached that point in recovery, so that the full value of your injuries can be determined.

The Nature of the Personal Injury Case

Second, the nature of the case and parties involved will play a role in determining the length of a case. Cases which involve issues that are more readily investigated and with only two parties are typically concluded more quickly than cases involving complex issues and numerous parties. For example, in a case involving a motor vehicle accident – the witnesses, road conditions, weather conditions and parties are usually readily available. By contrast, a case involving lead paint exposure dating back perhaps decades, with numerous unknown parties who may now be located far away and be difficult to identify will typically take longer.

Unknown Factors

Third, there is the ‘unknown’ factor. There are any number of issues that can affect the length of a particular case. The other party may be particularly amenable to fast resolution. There may be motions to the Court that are necessary in a particular case, and decisions on those motions from the Court can take time. There may be numerous records that need to be obtained and reviewed. There may be issues locating and interviewing witnesses.

Because of the many ‘unknowns’ in a personal injury case, it can be beneficial to have experienced personal injury attorneys working on your case to assist you in navigating those.

Find Out How Long It Will Take To Pursue Your Personal Injury Case

If you or a loved one has been injured and you are wondering how long you should expect a personal injury case to take in your specific instance, the experienced personal injury attorneys at Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto can assist you in evaluating your case and a possible timeline.

Please give us a call for a free consultation, and to ensure that your interests are promptly and properly protected. You can reach us via phone at (800) 721-3553, or contact us online to set up a free case review with a member of our legal team.

Wondering about other aspects of pursuing a personal injury case? The following resources are a good place to start:

How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth? – Learn about the factors that influence how much you’re able to recover by pursuing a personal injury case after a serious injury caused by the negligence of another individual.

Documents & Materials Your Attorney Will Need to Pursue Your Personal Injury Claim – Wondering what you’ll need to provide to your attorney if you’d like to move forward with a personal injury case? We outline the information and documents you’ll need to have on hand.

Will My Personal Injury Case Go To Trial? – Curious about what will happen with your claim should you choose to pursue it? Concerned that it may end up going to trial? Learn about what to expect when it comes to settling cases in and outside of court.

Editor’s note: This content was originally published in 2017 but has been updated as of February 2019.

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