Attorney Alex Stabinski was successful in negotiating a settlement of $475,000 for his client who suffered serious injuries, lost wages, and medical expenses after falling off a roof during the course of his work.
The client’s employer failed to provide him with any safety devices for the roofing work, and also failed to secure workers’ compensation coverage for his employees.
By the time this individual came to Alex for legal advice he had been unable to work for a significant period of time, was drowning in debt, could not afford essential medical treatment, and could not support his family. He was desperate.
Pursuing Compensation Quickly Following A Fall From a Roof
Alex quickly placed the matter in suit, and expedited the discovery and deposition process. Without any sacrifice in quality, Alex recognized that justice for this client could not come soon enough, and was diligent in keeping the matter continuously moving forward.
Even in the best of circumstances, litigation can be a roller coaster ride, which is not a pleasant experience for an injured person struggling to keep himself and his family above water. Many people in that situation have the urge to give up, or just accept any amount of money to get out of the hole. Alex’s client might have succumbed to that urge after the Judge handling his case issued a disappointing decision following motion practice regarding the employer’s liability. However, Alex assured his client that our firm would expedite an appeal.
A Successful Appeal
As we have sixteen attorneys at this firm, we are able to quickly and effectively prosecute a case on multiple fronts. While Alex moved forward with trial preparation, Lia Mitchell handled the appeal. This put the plaintiff in a position of strength when it came time to sitting down for settlement negotiations.
The mediator, defendant, and defense counsel knew the plaintiff was serious, and had the facts and law on his side when it came holding his employer responsible for this accident. This paid off as defense counsel went from a no pay position to settling for close to half a million dollars less than two months after the appeal was perfected.
Injured After Falling From a Roof? We Can Help.
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident, please contact the personal injury team at Maynard, O’Connor and allow us to help you obtain the recovery you deserve.
Interested in learning more about slip and fall injury cases and how to handle pursuing compensation if you’ve been injured in a fall caused by someone else’s negligence? Here are some resources to get your started:
Slip & Fall Accidents: What You Need To Know
Proving Fault in a Slip and Fall Case
How To Choose The Right Personal Injury Attorney
Have questions or think you may have a personal injury case on your hands? Give us a call today at (800) 721-3553 to schedule a free case review.