In cases involving motor vehicle accidents, the plaintiff must prove three things: liability, damages, and causation – that the accident caused your injuries.
That last element can sometimes be tricky to prove, particularly in the case of accidents with minimal damage to vehicles.
Insurance companies will sometimes reject claims where there are “soft tissue” injuries (herniated discs or injuries to the spine), but only minimal damages. In those cases, a biomechanical expert can help confirm that the impact was indeed sufficient to cause injury.
What Is a Biomechanical Expert?
Biomechanical engineering is a unique field that combines principles of both physics and medicine. Biomechanical experts typically have extensive training in engineering and physiology. Based on review of damages to the vehicles, those experts can determine the amount of force necessary to cause those damages, calculate the “g-force” exerted on the body in the accident, and then apply that date to accepted studies about human tolerance to forces.
Through those efforts, the biomechanical expert can render a conclusion as to whether the accident was indeed sufficient to cause injury. As may be expected, a favorable conclusion can provide very compelling support for your claim, and can help convince an insurance carrier – or a jury – that your injuries are indeed due to the accident at issue.
Get the Help You Need Obtaining the Compensation You Deserve After a Car Accident
If you have been injured in an accident, please contact the team at Maynard, O’Connor right away. We can help ensure that the evidence and information that these experts need are immediately preserved, and take immediate steps to protect your interests.
Give us a call today at (800) 721-3553 or contact us online for a free case review.
Related Resources:
Looking for more information about pursuing a personal injury case following an automobile accident? The following resources are a great place to start:
The Importance of Witnesses in Personal Injury Cases: Find out how witness accounts can impact your case and learn what kind of information you should collect from those who saw your accident firsthand.
Five Things to Do In The Initial Moments Following An Accident: There are a few important steps you should take to ensure your rights are protected immediately after a car accident occurs. Find out what actions you should take at the scene.
Why You Should Always Report a NY Car Accident: If you’re in a fender bender car accident, you may be tempted not to report it. Find out why it’s likely in your best interest to report a car accident even if it seems minor.