There are a number of important records to maintain following an accident. One of the key records you’ll want to have on hand after a car accident left you injured is the car accident police report assembled by the agency that reported to your accident when it occurred.
This article will walk you through how to obtain a car accident police report in New York State, based on where your car accident occurred and which investigating agency attended to it.
Why Are Car Accident Police Reports So Important?
Police accident reports are important as we investigate your case for several reasons. For one, they list the other drivers contact information and insurance information. They also describe the accident scene and the damage to the automobiles and property involved. They state whether tickets were issued. And they may also list witnesses to the accident and provide the witness’s contact information. All of this information is invaluable to personal injury lawyers representing you in an automobile accident case.
How Do I Obtain a Car Accident Police Report After My NY Car Accident?
The process of obtaining a copy of your report is easy, but if you aren’t sure what you are doing it can be frustrating because who, how, and the cost of obtaining the report changes, depending on what agency reported to the scene of the accident (and made the report) and where your accident occurred. But never fear; we will help you navigate the challenge.
Investigating Agency: Police or Sheriff | Location: Not on the Thruway
In Person
If a local police department or sheriff’s department reported to your accident, and your accident occurred on a road other than the New York State Thruway or its subsidiary arteries[1], you may be able to obtain a copy of the police report by visiting or contacting the proper police or sheriff’s office. If you can obtain your report this way, it may be free.
Making a Request to the DMV
In this same situation, you may also request and immediately download a copy of the accident report from the DMV. Visit this page on the DMV website, read the instructions, and click on the link to “Order and Access Motor Vehicle Accident Reports.” The total cost of obtaining a report this way is $22. There is a $7 fee to search the database of reports, then a $15 fee to download a PDF version of your report.
You may also request a copy of the report by mail, using form MV-198C. For requests by mail, the total cost is $25, because the search fee jumps to $10.
According to the DMV website, you should consider these factors before requesting the DMV search for records, and incurring that nonrefundable fee:
- If the accident occurred in one of the five boroughs of New York City, allow 120 days from the date of the accident to search for the report.
- If the accident occurred in NYS, outside the five boroughs of New York City, and was filed by the police on paper forms, allow at least 30 days from the date of the accident to search for the report.
- If the accident occurred in NYS, outside the five boroughs of New York City, and was filed by the police electronically, allow at least 14 days from the date of the accident to search for the report.
- Normally, for accident reports filed by motorists, regardless of the location in NYS, allow at least 60 days from the date of the accident to search for the report.
Investigating Agency: State Troopers | Location: Not on the Thruway
If the New York State Troopers reported to the scene of your accident, and your accident did not occur on the Thruway, the only way to obtain your report is to make a request to the DMV, as outlined above.
Investigating Agency: State Troopers | Location: Thruway
If the New York State Troopers reported to the scene of your accident, but your accident did occur on the Thruway, making a request to the DMV is no longer an option. Instead, you must make a request to the Thruway Authority, using form TA-W4310. Your request must be made by mail, and the cost is $15.
Get The Help You Need If You’ve Been Injured in A New York Car Accident
We hope this guide helps you navigate the process of obtaining your accident report.
If you’d like help obtaining the police report and pursuing the compensation you deserve after you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the experienced car accident attorneys of Maynard O’Connor. With decades of experience serving clients throughout New York State, we know how to navigate the complex legal process that follows an injury caused by someone else’s negligence. We will provide compassionate assistance and skilled legal guidance every step of the way.
Call us at (800) 721-3553 for immediate assistance, or contact us online using the form below for a free case evaluation. We’d be happy to assist you.
Contact Us
Need help after your involvement in an accident? Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.
Looking for additional resources about what to do after being injured in a car accident? These articles are a good place to start:
FAQs About Personal Injury Claims and Lawsuits – Find the answers to frequently asked questions about personal injury cases, including details about how much your case is worth and how long the legal process will take.
What to Do After A Car Accident – Review this checklist of things you should do after a car accident to help determine whether you are well prepared to pursue a personal injury claim, and to be well prepared for accidents in the future.
Understanding No Fault Insurance – Get the details on no fault insurance coverage, including what is covered, who is (and is not) covered, and what you need to do to take advantage of no fault insurance benefits after a car accident.
[1] New York State Thruway: I-87 south of Albany, I-90 west of Albany and the Berkshire Spur east of Albany. Subsidiary arteries: I-190 and Westchester County portions of both I-287 & I-95.
Editor’s Note: This content was originally published in 2014 but has been updated as of May 2018.