With the winter season upon us, we are reminded of the unique challenges that face drivers in the Northeast. Unfortunately, many drivers either forget or ignore the effects of snow and ice on roads. Their failure to adapt to winter driving conditions can lead to rear-end collisions, “spin outs,” or skidding into other lanes or off the road. This January 3, 2015 video from Albany’s WTEN news station clearly illustrates what happens when drivers forget or ignore winter driving tips.
Even in perfect conditions and dry roads, a typical car traveling at 65 mph requires nearly 350 feet of stopping distance, which is longer than the length of a football field. However, that stopping distance is significantly impacted by slippery road conditions.
When calculating stopping distance, one considers the “coefficient of friction” between tires and the road. Factors such as icy roads and “bald” tires can dramatically increase drivers’ ability to stop. Other factors such as low visibility and distraction affect drivers’ reaction time, and will also increase stopping time. (more…)