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Archive for the ‘Car Accidents’ Category

Understanding New York State’s Serious Injury Threshold

Posted on: February 28th, 2020

Doctors analyzing the X-ray of a serious injuryUnfortunately, victims of car accidents often suffer from personal injuries, ranging from mild sprains and bruises to catastrophic and life-changing wounds.

However, not every injury can result in a lawsuit as a result of New York’s Serious Injury Threshold.

If you’ve been injured in New York and you’re considering pursuing a personal injury lawsuit, your first step should be to determine whether or not your injury is considered to be serious based on New York’s guidelines and standards. (more…)

Understanding New York’s No-Fault Insurance

Posted on: January 12th, 2020

No fault insurance policyWhat is No-Fault Insurance? What Does it Cover?

No-fault insurance is coverage under the automobile insurance policy of the New York vehicle you occupy at the time of an accident. You may also be eligible for this coverage if you are a pedestrian hit by a vehicle.

This coverage is designed to pay for your lost wages, medical bills and other medically-necessary expenses. This means that your doctor must put everything in writing. It is called no-fault insurance because it is available regardless of who caused the accident. (more…)

Understanding MVAIC: Help For Those Uninsured & Injured in a Car Accident

Posted on: December 15th, 2019

bike accident involving an uninsured cyclist We’ve talked about personal injury awards in car accidents given New York’s no-fault system quite a lot on this blog, including this post on New York’s serious injury threshold and this one on who pays for injuries to cyclists.

But what happens if you don’t own a car (and therefore don’t have no-fault coverage yourself) and you are injured by the driver of a stolen car, or a driver who is uninsured, or a driver who leaves the scene of the accident? Who can you turn to make you whole after your injury?

Fortunately, the State of New York has an indemnification fund for this very purpose: the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC). (more…)

Car Accidents, Medical Emergencies, and the Medical Emergency Defense

Posted on: November 25th, 2019

Ambulance responding to medical emergencyAlthough rare, auto accidents are sometimes caused by sudden medical emergencies—like heart attacks, strokes, and seizures— which cause a driver to lose control of their car.

Wondering what happens if you or a loved one were involved in an accident involving a driver who experienced a medical emergency while behind the wheel? Read on to learn more about car accidents involving sudden medical emergencies. (more…)

Injured by A Driver Asleep at the Wheel? Understand Your Rights

Posted on: August 25th, 2019

Side mirror view reflection sleepy tired fatigued yawning exhausted young man driving his car in traffic after long hour drive.We’ve all seen the frightening statistics of drunk driving accidents in the news, but a relatively unreported threat on the road are drowsy drivers. Sleepiness can have just as much impairment on driving as alcohol–did you know being awake for more than 20 hours is equivalent to a 0.08 blood alcohol concentration?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates each year that 100,000 car accidents are primarily caused by drowsy or asleep drivers, resulting in 71,000 injuries and 1,550 fatalities. If you have been injured because the operator of another car or truck fell asleep at the wheel, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. While it may seem at first glance that liability in such cases may be easy to prove, unique case law often complicates determination of liability in these accidents. (more…)

Truck Accidents Devastate Far Too Many New Yorkers’ Lives

Posted on: June 7th, 2019

Modern big rig semi truck in the middle of a busy traffic at night with the headlights on highway and collon cars moving back and side of the semi truck with a refrigerator trailer unit.Most truck accident lawyers will agree it is significantly more likely that a collision with a large commercial truck will result in serious injury or death than if the vehicles involved are both passenger vehicles–and recent statistics prove just that.

In 2017, there was a 9-percent increase in fatal crashes caused by large trucks and buses compared to the previous year. These statistics present a scary situation for New York residents, who drive alongside tractor trailers on most likely a daily basis. In an effort to educate passenger drivers on trucking accidents and the causes associated with them, we’ve compiled our top resources if you’re ever involved in a trucking accident.


Beware of Bicycles in the Roadway: Cyclist Tips for Preventing Car-Bicycle Collisions

Posted on: May 1st, 2019

Cyclist biking on roadNothing brings cyclists back out onto the road like the prospect of enjoying the nice spring weather! In recent years, we have seen a proliferation of bicyclists on the road – both those who ride recreationally, as well as those who commute to work. And while the number of automobile-bicycle accidents have declined in recent years, bicyclist fatalities from those crashes are on the rise.

Why? As the popularity of the activity continues to rise, so has the number of new bicyclists that are less familiar with New York State Traffic laws and safe biking practices. In an effort to prevent future car accidents and injuries ranging from “road rash,” fractures, to traumatic brain injuries, and even fatalities, we’ve compiled a quick read-through for cyclists on biking safety. (more…)

Beware of Slick Roads in the Spring

Posted on: March 6th, 2019

pothole on road in the spring with snow meltingSpring showers can create hazardous conditions on the roadways for inattentive drivers. When snow and ice melts after a long Upstate New York winter, many drivers may be lulled into a false sense of security on the roadways. However, a wet road can be just as dangerous as an icy road.

Avoiding Accidents When Driving on Wet Roads

There are a number of steps you can take to stay safe on the roadways in wet weather: (more…)

Important Records to Maintain Following a Car Accident Injury

Posted on: February 18th, 2019

man writing in a journal after being injured in a car accidentAfter you’ve been involved in a car accident, there are a number of important records you should obtain and keep on hand, especially if you’re hoping to pursue a personal injury claim to obtain compensation for your injuries and damages.

While every case and scenario is different, the following outlines some of the key documents and records you should gather after an automobile accident.

First Steps to Take After a Car Accident Occurs

If you have been in a car accident, there are a number of things you’ll want to address immediately. (more…)

Common Winter Driving Hazards & Tips for Avoiding Them

Posted on: January 8th, 2019

Winter driving conditions on divided highwayWith the winter season upon us, we are reminded of the unique challenges that face drivers in the Northeast. Unfortunately, many drivers either forget or ignore the effects of snow and ice on roads. Their failure to adapt to winter driving conditions can lead to rear-end collisions, “spin outs,” or skidding into other lanes or off the road. This January 3, 2015 video from Albany’s WTEN news station clearly illustrates what happens when drivers forget or ignore winter driving tips.

Even in perfect conditions and dry roads, a typical car traveling at 65 mph requires nearly 350 feet of stopping distance, which is longer than the length of a football field. However, that stopping distance is significantly impacted by slippery road conditions.

When calculating stopping distance, one considers the “coefficient of friction” between tires and the road. Factors such as icy roads and “bald” tires can dramatically increase drivers’ ability to stop. Other factors such as low visibility and distraction affect drivers’ reaction time, and will also increase stopping time. (more…)

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