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Archive for the ‘Car Accidents’ Category

Why You Should Always Report a NY Car Accident

Posted on: October 29th, 2018

Two men looking at the damage to their car bumpers after a fender benderMost NY automobile accidents initially do not appear to be severe. In a simple “fender bender” that causes seemingly minimal damage to vehicles and no evident injuries, your initial instinct may be to not report the accident to the police or an insurance carrier. Perhaps the responsible driver may suggest, “Lets deal with this ourselves…” or “There’s no need to get insurance involved…”

You may not be legally required to report the car accident, but there are a number of reasons why it is always a good idea to report a NY car accident you’ve been involved in – and there may be significant repercussions if you fail to do so. (more…)

Understanding New York State’s SUM Insurance

Posted on: October 9th, 2018

SUM Insurance policy in a folder on a table with a jar of coinsAs most people know, drivers are statutorily required to maintain liability insurance on their automobiles, to provide protection to injured parties in the event of a car accident. In New York State, drivers are only required to obtain minimum policy limits of  $25,000/$50,000, which provides $25,000 in coverage for injuries to one person, and $50,000 for injuries to all persons injured in the accident.

However, the value of the injuries often far exceeds the available policy limits. Jury verdicts for most physical injuries alone exceed those sums, and economic losses can potentially be very significant. That’s where Supplemental Underinsured Motorist, otherwise known as SUM Coverage, comes in handy. (more…)

Why You Need a Lawyer After a Car Crash in NY

Posted on: September 12th, 2018

Man sitting in front of damaged car after a car crashThe time following a car accident that leaves you severely injured can be incredibly stressful. Between recovering physically and emotionally, coping with lost wages, dealing with missed work time and more, hiring a lawyer may be the last thing on your mind.

But if you’ve been injured because of the negligence of another individual, hiring a personal immediately following a car crash in Upstate NY is incredibly important for a number of reasons.

Thinking of going it alone when it comes to pursing compensation after a car accident? Read this first and you might change your mind. (more…)

What to Do After a Car Accident: Tips to Protect Yourself and Your Legal Interests

Posted on: August 20th, 2018

Black sedan that has sustained serious damage during a car accidentUnfortunately, statistics reflect that every driver can be expected to be involved in an auto accident in his or her lifetime. Car accidents may range from the simple and mundane “fender bender” to much more catastrophic collisions.

If you have suffered an injury as the result of a car accident, you should be aware that there are some very brief deadlines to report your injuries, and that your failure to promptly report these injuries could result in a denial of no-fault coverage.

Whether your accident involves property damage or personal injuries, and regardless of whether you or another driver are at fault, some simple measures should be taken immediately to protect your interests. (more…)

How to Obtain a Car Accident Police Report in New York

Posted on: May 16th, 2018

Lights on top of a police carThere are a number of important records to maintain following an accident. One of the key records you’ll want to have on hand after a car accident left you injured is the car accident police report assembled by the agency that reported to your accident when it occurred.

This article will walk you through how to obtain a car accident police report in New York State, based on where your car accident occurred and which investigating agency attended to it. (more…)

Winter Driving Tips – Be Prepared This Winter

Posted on: December 18th, 2017

Cars on a snow covered roadway in dangerous driving conditionsWinter driving in the Northeast can be challenging and dangerous! With winters that leave our roads slick with ice, snow and slush, let’s take a moment to refresh our memories on how to avoid bad winter drivers and be prepared in the event of an accident.

Winter Driving Tips

Here are a few tips to help you stay safe and avoid winter driving hazards when the roadways are covered in snow and ice this winter. (more…)

Car Accidents Caused by Sun Glare

Posted on: December 14th, 2017

Man driving with the visor down to avoid sun glareMost people have, at some point in their lives, experienced how blinding the sun can be if its rays shine directly into your eyes. This can be especially problematic when you are behind the wheel of a car.

There are a number of factors that can make driving into the sun – an already difficult driving scenario – worse. These factors include driving on a street running east and west, sun glare from any snowfall, dirt and grime accumulations on your windshield, and light-colored dashboards.

The chances of encountering dangerous sun glare conditions are heightened in fall and winter when the trees have fewer leaves on them and the sun sets earlier in the evening.

Despite the fact that the position of the sun is not something the ordinary motorist can control, the New York Court of Appeals has determined that sun glare is not a valid excuse for a motor vehicle accident, especially one with a pedestrian. (more…)

Are Employers Liable for Employee Car Accidents?

Posted on: November 17th, 2017

Employee driving a company carPeople in many occupations drive as part of their jobs on a daily basis. Whether making deliveries, traveling to meet with clients, or visiting various service locations, employees – like all motorists – are expected to drive carefully and responsibly, so as not to cause harm to others.

But if an employee acts negligently or is involved in an accident while driving to complete duties associated with their job, it may be the employer who is held responsible.

If you drive for your job, you run a company that includes employees who drive while on the job, or you’ve been involved in an accident with someone who was driving for work, read on to find out what to expect when employees are involved in car accidents during the scope of their employment.  (more…)

How a Biomechanical Expert Can Help Your Case

Posted on: May 15th, 2017

Fender Bender Car AccidentIn cases involving motor vehicle accidents, the plaintiff must prove three things: liability, damages, and causation – that the accident caused your injuries.

That last element can sometimes be tricky to prove, particularly in the case of accidents with minimal damage to vehicles.

Insurance companies will sometimes reject claims where there are “soft tissue” injuries (herniated discs or injuries to the spine), but only minimal damages. In those cases, a biomechanical expert can help confirm that the impact was indeed sufficient to cause injury. (more…)

Car Accidents Involving Motorcyclists

Posted on: April 17th, 2017

Female motorcycle riderIn New York, when a person is injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident, in order to recover for those personal injuries that person must satisfy the “Serious Injury” analysis, which is stated in New York Insurance Law Section 5102(d). This is a statutory requirement that is intended to permit recovery where the injuries are serious, and not just minor.

This law was enacted when New York created the No-Fault coverage provisions to be required with all motor vehicle insurance policies. The No-Fault coverage is meant to provide up to $50,000 of coverage for medical treatment and lost wages for an injured person immediately, without the need to determine fault for the motor vehicle accident. (more…)

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