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Archive for the ‘Car Accidents’ Category

Driving Drowsy is Driving Impaired

Posted on: March 27th, 2017

Drowsy DriverWhen a driver is sleep deprived, their reaction time slows down. They may not be able to hit their brakes as quickly, and they may not be able to swerve out of the way of obstacles before a crash. As a result, drowsy driving can be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has recently included drowsy driving in their definition of impaired driving. The Governor’s Highway Safety Association recently released a report stating that the number of crashes caused by drowsy driving each year is 328,000 on average. Additionally, nearly 5,000 people were killed in accidents caused by drowsy driving in 2015. (more…)

Think You Have Been Injured Due To Someone Else’s Negligence? Here Are Five Things To Do In The Initial Moments After The Accident.

Posted on: February 6th, 2017

ChecklistAccidents happen. They are part of life. However, there are many people who have fallen victim to an accident due to the fault of another. The justice system affords these victims opportunities to recover damages based on another person or entity’s degree of fault. Often times, however, people are left wondering what to do immediately following an accident.

For example, say you are driving. Through no fault of your own, another car runs a stop sign and T-bones the passenger side of your car.

Assuming you are capable, here are five things you can do immediately after this to help your potential personal injury claim: (more…)

Should I “Go It Alone” or Hire A Personal Injury Attorney After a Car Accident?

Posted on: May 27th, 2016

Car that has been in car accidentThe time following your involvement in a car accident can be stressful and challenging for a number of reasons. From handling insurance claims to recovering from injuries, there is a lot to manage following a car accident. Even seemingly minor car accidents can disrupt your daily life.

Despite this, some people choose to “go it alone” after a car accident, handling all correspondence with insurance companies and healthcare providers, claims, settlements and recovery efforts on their own. While this is the right choice for some, it can also make recovering from a car accident even more difficult. (more…)

Do I Still Have a Case If I Am Partially To Blame For A NY Car Accident?

Posted on: March 14th, 2016

gold scale in front of a yellow backgroundAs we all know, even the most conscientious and alert driver can be hurt in an accident caused by the negligence of someone else whose actions are solely to blame for the accident. The skilled attorneys at Maynard O’Connor assist clients every day to receive the compensation they deserve after being injured by someone else’s negligence.

But what if you believe you may be partly to blame for the accident? Maybe a driver failed to yield the right of way through an intersection, but the injured party admitted to the police officer that she was speeding through the green light. Or maybe a pedestrian crossing the street was reading a text message when he was struck by a vehicle. If you are partially at fault for the accident, do you still have a personal injury case? (more…)

Your Chances of Being Involved in a Car Accident Are Greater Than You Think

Posted on: July 20th, 2015

Man sitting in front of damaged car after a car crashThink you will never be involved in a car accident? Think again! According to statistics maintained by the car insurance industry, you should be expect to be involved in a car accident once every 18 years.

Although most accidents are simple routine “fender benders” that do not result in any physical injuries, motor vehicle accidents can cause significant injuries, ranging from fractures to disc injuries, and even fatalities. According to the National Safety Council’s most recent “2015 Injury Facts,” the odds of dying in a car accident may be as high as 1:112. (more…)

The Shocking Trend of “Selfies While Driving”

Posted on: June 8th, 2015

Man Taking Selfie While DrivingAs part of its “It Can Wait” campaign, AT&T recently conducted a survey, and discovered that nearly seven in ten people have admitted to utilizing their smartphone while driving. While the majority of those activities involved texting, four in ten users acknowledged use of social media while driving.

Obviously, any form of distracted driving presents a significant danger. Unfortunately, despite public service campaigns like “It Can Wait,” the National Safety Council has reported an actual increase in accidents relating to smartphone use. One of the most outrageous trends has been the prevalence of “selfies” while driving. We have all seen these photos, as friends and acquaintances post them to social media sites. Remarkably, several popular Twitter pages even exist containing “#selfiewhiledriving” and similar phrases. (more…)

Maynard, O’Connor Successful In Wrongful Death Car Accident Settlement

Posted on: April 13th, 2015

Concetta Lomanto of Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, LLP, recently settled a wrongful death case on behalf of a widow whose husband was killed in a car that sped off the road and crashed into a tree. A thorough investigation of the matter revealed the possibility that both drivers involved may have been drag-racing their vehicles for sport, which led to the fatal accident of the widow’s husband.

Attorney Lomanto secured a $250,000 car accident settlement for the widow of the passenger following negotiations with both drivers’ insurance carriers without the need for trial.

Maynard Injury Law has frequently represented victims of motor vehicle accidents to a successful conclusion on behalf of its clients. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident and would like to learn more about how Attorney Concetta Lomanto’s experience can assist you, please contact her directly at (518) 465-3553 or by email at lomanto@maynardoconnorlaw.com.

What You Need To Know About Liability for Debris In the Roadway

Posted on: September 8th, 2014

Debris in RoadwaySeveral years ago, I was involved in an unusual accident: As I was driving up the Northway, a spare tire suddenly rolled off of a flatbed truck in front of me, bounced down the highway, and struck me head-on (remarkably, actually leaving a visible tire tread on the hood of my car!) Luckily, I sustained only property damage, but what if I had been injured? Would the other driver have been liable, even though there was never any actual contact between our vehicles?

The answer, obviously, is yes. All drivers owe a duty to other motorists to use reasonable care in the operation of their vehicles. This includes not just a duty to operate your vehicle in a safe manner, but also to ensure that your vehicle is properly cleared of debris, and that objects on the outside of your vehicle are properly secured. This is frequently a problem when drivers are vacationing, moving, or transporting new furniture, and are not accustomed to safely securing objects to their roof. It is certainly not an uncommon site to see a vehicle with a mattress strapped to the roof with nothing more than a bungee cord, or a carpet simply extending from a trunk. Even snow and ice that hasn’t been cleaned off of a vehicle’s roof can present a serious hazard for motorists. If it starts to fly off of the vehicle while driving at high speeds on the Northway, there is a strong chance it will hit vehicles following behind.

Obviously, a loose tire, a mattress, a bicycle, or any debris in the roadway can pose a significant hazard to approaching motorists. A driver who had failed to safely secure an object to their vehicle, or who fails to promptly remove the object from the roadway, can be held liable for negligence. The fact that an object falls from a vehicle at all reflects that it was not properly secured, and is strong evidence of negligence.

At Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, we have encountered all manner of accidents, and are familiar with the issues that will arise. If you or a loved one have been involved in a car accident, please contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto at 800-721-3553 for assistance, and allow us to help you obtain the compensation and recovery you deserve.

THE NEED FOR EXPERT PROOF – Part IV: Proving Financial Damages

Posted on: July 7th, 2014

Often times following a serious injury, you are unable to work.  The inability to work results in financial damages that, if you prevail in your lawsuit, you are entitled to be paid for.

An expert economist looks at your individual financial situation, and determines the amount of money you are owed.  For example, if you are unable to work for the remainder of your career, an expert economist calculates what you would have earned over your work-life expectancy, taking into consideration factors like inflation and present value.

Using actuary tables and industry data regarding your expected earnings, the expert projects figures of what you would have earned over your lifetime (had this accident not happened).  Ultimately, that expert’s opinion will help us to formulate a settlement demand or tell a jury how much money you should receive as a result of the defendant’s negligence.

The attorneys at Maynard O’Connor often consult with expert economists to calculate and prove the true extent of your financial damages.  If you are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, make sure you get every dollar that you are owed. Call the personal injury attorneys at Maynard, O’Connor, toll free, at (800) 721-3553 to discuss your claim. You can also email us and we’ll contact you for a free consultation.

Missed Part I , II or III? Visit the following links:

The Need for Expert Proof – Part III: Proving Personal Injury

Posted on: June 30th, 2014

In most personal injury cases, expert proof is needed to prove the extent of your injuries.  For example, if you are injured in a car accident, an expert will be needed to establish that you suffered a serious injury as defined by the New York State “No-Fault” Law.

Even if your injury wasn’t the result of a car accident, but rather, for example, a slip and fall injury, an expert is needed to prove the true extent of your injuries to make sure that you receive all the money that you are entitled to.

An expert helps prove your case by offering his or her expert opinion that the accident caused your medical condition.  In addition, that expert may also be called on to offer an opinion regarding the extent and permanency of your injury and your resulting disability (including that you are unable to work).

The attorneys at Maynard O’Connor know when expert proof is needed in order to win your case.  Please call Maynard, O’Connor’s personal injury attorneys at (800) 721-3553 to discuss your claim in a free consultation.

Missed Part I and II of The Need for Expert Proof? Read how experts are used in Slip and Fall Accidents and in Car Accidents.

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