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Archive for the ‘Case Results’ Category

Attorney Alex Stabinski successfully negotiates a $475,000 settlement for his client who suffered significant injuries after falling off a roof

Posted on: May 8th, 2017

Adam L. StabinskiAttorney Alex Stabinski was successful in negotiating a settlement of $475,000 for his client who suffered serious injuries, lost wages, and medical expenses after falling off a roof during the course of his work.

The client’s employer failed to provide him with any safety devices for the roofing work, and also failed to secure workers’ compensation coverage for his employees.

By the time this individual came to Alex for legal advice he had been unable to work for a significant period of time, was drowning in debt, could not afford essential medical treatment, and could not support his family. He was desperate. (more…)

Attorney Lomanto Successful in Settlement for Psychological Damages

Posted on: March 28th, 2016

Did you know that during an undergraduate’s study abroad semester at college, 87% of nonconsensual sexual contact is committed by local residents? Research shows that undergraduates are 3 to 5 times more likely to experience sexual assault while studying abroad than on a United States campus.

Concetta Lomanto of Maynard, O’Connor represented a male client who was studying abroad in another country and was raped by a native of that country. The case involved detailed research of the college’s study abroad program, including the program’s orientation and safety precautions provided by the college. Following difficult and sensitive negotiations with the school on behalf of our client, Attorney Lomanto was able to successfully settle the matter for $100,000 and provide our client with closure and funding for future psychological care at an in-patient setting. (more…)

Maynard, O’Connor Successful in Trucking Accident Case

Posted on: March 21st, 2016

Concetta Lomanto of Maynard, O’Connor,  settled a trucking accident matter on behalf of a retired physician from Salt Lake City, Utah, whose left thumb and rotator cuff were significantly damaged upon impact.  The doctor’s injuries required surgical repair of the rotator cuff after a 16-wheeled tractor trailer, owned by Werner Enterprises, Inc., failed to stop at a red light.  Numerous documents from Werner Enterprises, Inc., such as driving logs, damage appraisals, cell phone records, Bills of Laden, logistical reports for delivery and backhauling, and photographs were examined to determine whether negligence played a part in this accident.  It was determined that the truck driver was negligent in his failure to stop, and subsequently Attorney Lomanto was able to secure a $650,000 settlement prior to trial in Federal Court of the Northern District of New York. (more…)

$1.3 Million Car Accident Case Settlement for Elderly Couple

Posted on: January 25th, 2016

On June 22, 2014, an elderly couple sustained injuries in a motor vehicle accident when the vehicle they were passengers in collided with a truck. The 79-year-old female passenger sustained internal abdominal injuries, while the 76-year-old male passenger sustained neck injuries stemming from the accident.

Following the accident, the couple turned to the experienced personal injury lawyers at Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto for representation and assistance with their personal injury case. (more…)

Maynard Injury Law Successful in a Fatal Pedestrian Accident

Posted on: June 9th, 2014

Attorney Alexander Stabinski of Maynard Injury Law recently settled a matter on behalf of the estate of an elderly gentleman who was hit by a car as he crossed a busy two-lane thoroughfare. Attorney Stabinski was able to secure a $225,000 settlement despite a report from the Highway Patrol that found that the driver was not at fault.

Firm Successful in Representation of Injured Motorcyclist

Posted on: May 6th, 2013

Concetta Lomanto recently helped a client obtain a pre-suit settlement to compensate him for injuries resulting from a motorcycle accident. The accident arose when another driver made an illegal left-hand turn directly into the motorcyclist’s path. The client suffered serious injuries, including a rotator cuff tear, which ultimately required arthroscopic surgery, the complication of a “frozen shoulder”, a long recovery period, and permanent limitations and restrictions. Following a thorough investigation and negotiations with the other driver’s carrier, Concetta was able to successfully obtain a significant settlement, without the need to place the case into litigation.

The firm has frequently represented motorcyclists and has participated in the local Americade rally to promote motorcycle awareness and safety issues. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, please contact us for assistance.


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