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Archive for the ‘Dog Bites’ Category

Steps to Take After a Dog Bite Injury

Posted on: October 19th, 2018

Dog that may cause a dog bite injuryDog attacks often result in serious injuries. They can also be incredibly traumatizing, leaving victims feeling frazzled in the immediate aftermath and long afterwards.

Unfortunately, dog bite injuries are more common than you might think. Though most dogs you meet on a daily basis are friendly and well behaved, some are not. And even the best behaved pets can be unpredictable and skittish at times, which may lead them to become more aggressive and inspire them to bite.

As a result, it’s important to know what to do if you find yourself in a situation where you or a loved one has been attacked or bitten by a dog.  (more…)

Put That Dog on a Leash: Leash Laws in New York State

Posted on: August 6th, 2018

Small dog walking on a leashThe idea that there is a state-wide leash law in the state of New York is a common misconception.

In reality, leash laws in New York State are determined on a local level, typically in municipal ordinances.

As a result, leash laws – also known as “running at large statutes” – differ depending upon the city or municipality you are in at the time. (more…)

How to Prevent Dog Bite Injuries

Posted on: May 2nd, 2018

Two mean dogs behind a fenceEvery year over 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs, and approximately 25% of those people require medical attention for these bites. From these statistics, it appears that serious dog bites are all too common. However, there are a number of ways to prevent dog bite injuries.

Tips for Avoiding Dog Bite Injuries

The first step toward preventing a dog bite injury is to understand the body language of a dog you encounter. Dogs, like people, display signals with their body that correspond with their current demeanor. A dog that is likely to bite will often exhibit body language such as a stiff tail, tensed body, furrowed brow, drawn back ears and/or head, yawning, flicking of the tongue, visible whites of the eyes, retreating, and/or an intense stare.

If you are confronted with a dog displaying any of these signs, the following steps can help to avoid escalating the confrontation to an attack. (more…)

What To Do If You Or A Loved One Is Bitten By A Dog

Posted on: June 26th, 2017

As summer kicks into high gear, more people – and their pets – are out and about. Unfortunately, not all pets are friendly and summer is prime time for dog bite accidents.

It is important to know what to do to protect yourself and your rights if you are bitten or attacked by a dog. If you find yourself in this unfortunate position, here are a few things to do to ensure a better recovery: (more…)

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