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Archive for the ‘Motorcycle Accidents’ Category

Winter Road Hazards for Motorcyclists

Posted on: December 20th, 2019

Man riding motorcycle in winter avoiding road hazardsYou normally wouldn’t think of winter as prime motorcycle riding season, but for some motorcycle drivers—and especially where we live in Upstate New York—winter is just another season to ride and enjoy your motorcycle.

There’s plenty to enjoy about riding during the winter like crisp air and winter scenery, but there’s also non-ideal road conditions you must watch out for. Below, we’ve compiled some winter tips for smooth riding, including common winter road hazards, tips for winter riding, and what to do if you happen to have a motorcycle accident. (more…)

Maynard, O’Connor Encourages Motorcycle Safety and Awareness

Posted on: May 20th, 2019

Motorcyclist with helmet in his handsMay is National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and coincides with spring, which is traditionally one of the most dangerous times of year for motorcycle riders.  As weather warms up, motorcyclists take to the road again, and are unfortunately often involved in catastrophic motorcycle accidents.  These accidents are particularly tragic, as they are often entirely avoidable.

We use this opportunity to remind all drivers to safely share the road and for motorcycle drivers to use judgment and protect themselves when going for a ride day or night. (more…)

Share the Road! Look Twice for Motorcycles!

Posted on: April 15th, 2019

Two motorcycles driving on roadSpring is finally here in Upstate New York, and with good weather, motorcycles are back on the road again. Unfortunately, that also means an increase in accidents involving motorcyclists. Because of the very vulnerable nature of motorcyclists, their accidents can often be very serious and catastrophic, sometimes involving fractures, closed head injuries, and even fatalities.

Remember, motorcyclists have the same right to road as the driver of any other motor vehicle, and are bound by the same laws and regulations. Although most motorcyclists are very safe and responsible drivers, they are frequently injured due to the negligence of other drivers. Motorcyclists we have represented often tell us that other drivers will suddenly swerve directly into their path, simply because the driver failed to look before changing lanes. (more…)

NY Motorcycle Helmet Laws – Do You Have To Wear a Motorcycle Helmet in New York State?

Posted on: April 17th, 2018

Woman riding motorcycle, abiding by NY motorcycle helmet lawsNew York State does in fact have a helmet law requiring all riders and passengers on a motorcycle to wear a helmet approved under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, Section 571.218.

Motorcycle Helmets Are REQUIRED in New York State

New York’s helmet law is found in the Vehicle and Traffic Law at Section 381(6), which states as follows:

It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or ride upon a motorcycle unless he wears a protective helmet of a type which meets the requirements set forth in section 571.218 of the federal motor vehicle safety standards as may from time to time be amended. The commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to adopt regulations for helmets which are consistent with the requirements as specified in section 571.218 of the federal motor vehicle safety standards as may from time to time be amended. The police authorities of a city, town or village may issue a permit exempting members of organizations sponsoring or conducting parades or other public exhibitions from the provisions of this subdivision while such members are participating in such parades or other public exhibitions.

In addition to the requirement that all drivers and passengers wear an approved helmet, operators of a motorcycle are also required to wear goggles or a face shield of a type approved by the Commission of Motor Vehicles. See NY Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 381(7). (more…)

Car Accidents Involving Motorcyclists

Posted on: April 17th, 2017

Female motorcycle riderIn New York, when a person is injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident, in order to recover for those personal injuries that person must satisfy the “Serious Injury” analysis, which is stated in New York Insurance Law Section 5102(d). This is a statutory requirement that is intended to permit recovery where the injuries are serious, and not just minor.

This law was enacted when New York created the No-Fault coverage provisions to be required with all motor vehicle insurance policies. The No-Fault coverage is meant to provide up to $50,000 of coverage for medical treatment and lost wages for an injured person immediately, without the need to determine fault for the motor vehicle accident. (more…)

Tips for Surviving a Motorcycle Accident

Posted on: August 24th, 2015

A red motorcycle parked alongside a lakeMotorcycle enthusiasts dread thinking about the possibility of a wreck on their bikes, but the reality is that many motorcyclists are killed or injured each year riding the roads.

Though motorcycle riding can be dangerous, there are ways for motorcyclists to increase their chances for surviving motorcycle wrecks and escaping serious injury.

Going beyond the obvious steps of wearing an approved helmet, boots and leather gear for protection, there are a number of steps motorcycle riders can take to increase their chances of survival in a motorcycle crash. (more…)

Statistics on Motorcycle Crashes

Posted on: August 17th, 2015

A red motorcycle parked alongside a lakeMotorcycles are incredibly popular – but they can also be incredibly dangerous to ride. With less protection and fewer safety features included on their vehicles, motorcyclists are much more vulnerable on the road than cars. As a result, motorcycle accidents can have devastating consequences. Whether you’re a biker or you’re a driver sharing the road with motorcyclists, review these statistics before you hit the road to fully understand the risks involved in motorcycle riding. (more…)

Firm Successful in Representation of Injured Motorcyclist

Posted on: May 6th, 2013

Concetta Lomanto recently helped a client obtain a pre-suit settlement to compensate him for injuries resulting from a motorcycle accident. The accident arose when another driver made an illegal left-hand turn directly into the motorcyclist’s path. The client suffered serious injuries, including a rotator cuff tear, which ultimately required arthroscopic surgery, the complication of a “frozen shoulder”, a long recovery period, and permanent limitations and restrictions. Following a thorough investigation and negotiations with the other driver’s carrier, Concetta was able to successfully obtain a significant settlement, without the need to place the case into litigation.

The firm has frequently represented motorcyclists and has participated in the local Americade rally to promote motorcycle awareness and safety issues. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, please contact us for assistance.


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