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Archive for the ‘Personal Injury’ Category

Notice Requirements in Slip and Fall Cases: What You Need to Know

Posted on: July 11th, 2019

Slip and Fall Sign on wet floorInjuries from slip and fall accidents can be painful and potentially long term. In order to receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries, it’s important to understand the requirements to reporting slip and fall accidents.

The central issue in “Slip and Fall” or “Trip and Fall” accidents is often the question of notice. A property owner can be held liable only if they had constructive notice of the dangerous condition. While constructive notice can be tricky to prove, there are some steps that you can take promptly after your accident to improve your chances at prevailing on this issue. (more…)

The Importance Of Medical Treatment After An Accident

Posted on: May 13th, 2019

Doctor bandaging person's hand after accidentInjured in an accident? The period of time after an accident can often be a confusing and sensitive time. Between recovering from your injuries, speaking with your insurance company, and completing paperwork, you may feel overwhelmed by everything on your plate.

However, the first 24-hours after an accident are the most crucial. If you’re planning on pursuing a personal injury case following an accident,  completing the proper steps–like receiving medical treatment–can be pivotal to the successful outcome of your case. (more…)

The Dangers of Inadequate Security at Concerts: Steps to Take When Injured

Posted on: April 20th, 2019

Friends attending a music festivalWith music festival and concert season officially in full swing, people of all ages are traveling all across the country to listen to the music of their favorite bands and artists alongside thousands of fans—but are these venues properly prepared and secured for the crowds ready to storm their gates?

Due to the presence of large crowds, alcohol consumption, and an often raucous atmosphere, concerts and music festivals can result in serious personal injuries if there isn’t inadequate security or crowd control. In order to make sure you have a safe festival season, we’ve compiled some useful information on music festival and concert safety. (more…)

Common Causes of ATV Accidents: Determining Who’s Responsible

Posted on: March 20th, 2019

man riding an ATV on a dirt roadATVs are popular, but they are also dangerous! Although riding may be fun, ATV riders face a high risk of roll-overs and other accidents due to the nature of the vehicles and the surfaces on which they ride.

The statistics about deaths and injuries caused by ATV accidents are alarming. With the vehicles becoming faster (they can reach approximately 55 miles per hour), heavier (they can weigh up to 1000 pounds), and more powerful, stories of tragic deaths and life-changing personal injuries resulting from ATV accidents are becoming increasingly common. (more…)

Timeline of a Personal Injury Case: How Long Will It Take To Pursue Your Case?

Posted on: February 8th, 2019

StopwatchWhen considering pursing a lawsuit to recover damages after sustaining injuries, one of the most frequent questions individuals ask is how long is the process going to take?

Unfortunately, it’s also one of the more difficult questions to answer.

Some cases may settle quickly, but most cases span more than a year, sometimes several years. There are many factors that come into play in how long a lawsuit takes from start to finish. (more…)

Who Is Responsible If a Neighbor’s Tree Falls on Your Property?

Posted on: January 18th, 2019

Snow covered tree against a blue skyWith the winter season upon us, trees often become heavy with snow and ice, sometimes causing large limbs to snap and fall to the ground. With high winds and heavy snow, entire trees may topple over.

But what happens when a property owner’s tree or limb falls in some else’s yard, and causes damage to personal property, such as a home or car? Who is responsible for those repairs?

If a neighbor’s tree falls in your yard, you might expect that the neighbor is responsible.  However, that is not necessarily true. (more…)

Slip and Fall Injuries In The Workplace

Posted on: December 20th, 2018

yellow caution sign in an office entryway with a wet floor and a mop in the backgroundSlip and fall accidents are unfortunately common, and they can happen anyplace, anytime.

Floors wet from mopping and snowmelt, as well as icy parking lots and other common conditions can be serious accidents waiting to happen. Fall-related injuries are often surprisingly serious, oftentimes including complex fractures requiring major surgery. These injuries can cause major suffering and can put you out of work for an extended period of time, while your recovery can cost you a significant amount in medical bills.

So what happens if one of these slip and fall injuries occurs in the workplace? We break down the options you have when it comes to recovering from a slip and fall accident that occurred during the course and scope of employment.  (more…)

Documents and Materials Your Attorney Will Need to Pursue Your Personal Injury Claim

Posted on: December 6th, 2018

Client handing over documents a lawyer needs to pursue a personal injury casePursuing a claim for personal injuries is very much a collaborative effort. You and your attorney will be working closely together throughout the case. As a result, at the very inception of the case, it will be important for you to not only tell your attorney anything and everything about the claim, but also to provide your attorney critical information in your possession.

Much of the information your lawyer will need to pursue your claim successfully is in your sole possession and control. To ensure that it is not lost or deleted, it is important to collect this information and provide it to your attorney as early as your first consultation. (more…)

Slip and Falls on Ice & Snow: Steps to Take Following a Snow-Related Injury

Posted on: November 26th, 2018

Man has a slip and fall accident on a icy Street“No animal, according to the rules of animal-etiquette, is ever expected to do anything strenuous, or heroic, or even moderately active during the off-season of winter.” Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

If you are living in the Northeast and you are not someone who loves skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, ice fishing, sledding etc. it may be tempting to hibernate this season away. However, the reality is that snow and ice are a part of winter, and therefore, a part of our lives for several months out of the year.

As beautiful as it may be, snow and ice can cause major headaches and lead to significant injuries, one example being a slip and fall on ice and/or snow.  While inclement weather is a part of our lives here in Upstate New York, that does not mean you have no legal recourse if you suffer a slip and fall.

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Accident on Ice or Snow

Here are some important things to keep in mind if you are injured as a result of a slip and fall due to snow, ice, or some other weather related condition. (more…)

Will My Personal Injury Case Go To Trial?

Posted on: November 15th, 2018

gavel on a courtroom table in front of a bookClients frequently ask whether their claim will one day end up in a courtroom, before a judge and jury. Many clients are understandably nervous over that prospect.

If you watch legal shows on TV, you may have the perception that every single claim ends up in the courtroom. However, “fiction is stranger than truth.” In reality, very few claims actually end up going all the way to trial. An oft-cited statistic is that less than five percent of all total claims actually end up in the courtroom.

So what happens to the rest? (more…)

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