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Archive for the ‘Personal Injury’ Category

Practical Advice for Testifying at A Deposition

Posted on: November 5th, 2018

Conference Room Where a Pre Trial Deposition Will Take PlaceAs a participant in a lawsuit, you are required to provide testimony at a deposition (also often called an “Examination Before Trial”). Depositions are traditionally conducted in an attorney’s conference room, and involve only the parties, their attorneys, and a court reporter. At this stage, there is no judge or jury present.

The purpose of the deposition is simply to explore what the witness may know about the claims. Although the atmosphere may seem casual and informal, witnesses need to be aware that this is sworn testimony, provided under oath. Anything said can be used at any later stage of the litigation, by any party, and for virtually any reason.

As a result, it is very important to ensure that your testimony is clear and accurate. We offer the following suggestions to ensure the best outcome from your testimony: (more…)

Understanding New York State’s SUM Insurance

Posted on: October 9th, 2018

SUM Insurance policy in a folder on a table with a jar of coinsAs most people know, drivers are statutorily required to maintain liability insurance on their automobiles, to provide protection to injured parties in the event of a car accident. In New York State, drivers are only required to obtain minimum policy limits of  $25,000/$50,000, which provides $25,000 in coverage for injuries to one person, and $50,000 for injuries to all persons injured in the accident.

However, the value of the injuries often far exceeds the available policy limits. Jury verdicts for most physical injuries alone exceed those sums, and economic losses can potentially be very significant. That’s where Supplemental Underinsured Motorist, otherwise known as SUM Coverage, comes in handy. (more…)

Avoiding Car-Runner Collisions: Tips To Help Runners Minimize Chances Of Personal Injury

Posted on: September 26th, 2018

man runner running on country roadAs an avid runner, and five-time marathoner, I always enjoy running in the cooler temperatures of fall, and the opportunity to run without heat and humidity. While it is often possible to run on the safety of a path or trail, runners sometimes must run through neighborhood streets or alongside local roads.

Obviously, there are many risks of running close to vehicular traffic. Most runners can share stories of “near misses” when oblivious drivers fail to notice them, and many runners have actually been struck by cars. Accidents between vehicles and runners can be significant, and unfortunately, can also have tragic consequences. (more…)

What to Do After a Car Accident: Tips to Protect Yourself and Your Legal Interests

Posted on: August 20th, 2018

Black sedan that has sustained serious damage during a car accidentUnfortunately, statistics reflect that every driver can be expected to be involved in an auto accident in his or her lifetime. Car accidents may range from the simple and mundane “fender bender” to much more catastrophic collisions.

If you have suffered an injury as the result of a car accident, you should be aware that there are some very brief deadlines to report your injuries, and that your failure to promptly report these injuries could result in a denial of no-fault coverage.

Whether your accident involves property damage or personal injuries, and regardless of whether you or another driver are at fault, some simple measures should be taken immediately to protect your interests. (more…)

Not Stopping For A School Bus – What’s the New York State Law?

Posted on: August 17th, 2018

school-bus-1-521624-mAccording to the New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, an estimated 50,000 motor vehicles illegally pass New York State school buses every day. Whether by accident or intentionally, these illegal maneuvers are putting drivers, passengers and children at risk on a regular basis.

What Are New York State’s School Bus Laws?

New York traffic law states that traffic from either direction approaching a stopped school bus with flashing red lights must stop before reaching the bus. Drivers should stop their vehicles at least 20 feet from the bus. You MUST stop whether you are approaching a school bus from the front or from the rear. Even on divided or multi-lane highways, you must stop when you see the lights. (more…)

Bicycle Car Accidents: Who Pays for Injuries & Lost Earnings?

Posted on: July 9th, 2018

Bicycle lane alongside busy roadwayThroughout New York State, there are many locations where bicyclists and motorists share roadways. Whether in bike lanes along roadways or on bike paths that intersect with local highways, these areas put bike riders and motorists in close contact with one another.

Unfortunately, in these areas, and others where cyclists and motorists travel together, car-bicycle accidents do occur.

Car-bicycle accidents can be especially devastating because of cyclists’ lack of protection. Often, collisions with vehicles leave bicyclists severely injured. In these cases, cyclists may choose to pursue compensation for the pain, suffering, lost wages and medical bills they have endured as a result of the accident.

One question that is often asked in this scenario is: Who pays for the medical bills and the pain and suffering of the cyclist? (more…)

Fallen Trees and NY Premises Liability for Homeowners

Posted on: June 8th, 2018

Oak Tree a Liability on Homeowner's PropertyA homeowner sought advice from a real estate professional about potential liability for the 250 year old oak in the back yard because it extended over the next door neighbor’s property line.

The branches had been trimmed on the property owner’s side by a previous owner, but they continue to grow on the side over the neighbor’s yard. Because of this, the tree became lopsided now laying slightly in the neighbor’s direction.

The concern was that, due to its advanced age, the tree would eventually topple at some point. Given its present angle of tilt, it could fall on the neighbor’s house. The homeowner was reluctant to have it cut down due to the cost and aesthetics, but wanted to legally be in the clear. (more…)

How Much Money is My NY Personal Injury Case Worth?

Posted on: April 9th, 2018

Dollar signs representing how much a personal injury case is worthOne of the most common questions asked by personal injury clients is the value of the case. Of course, that is often an impossible question to determine at the onset of a case. Every case is unique and different, and many details of a case must be explored before a value can be assigned.

Many factors affect that determination, and the value will be fully learned over the course of representation, as your attorney obtains necessary information and investigation. However, a few factors are always taken into consideration. (more…)

Pre-existing Conditions: What You Need to Know

Posted on: January 8th, 2018

Woman with a sore neck as a preexisting conditionClients sometimes wonder, “Will a medical condition I had before my accident prevent me from recovering money?”

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. While in some cases a preexisting condition may impact your ability to recover, in other cases it may not foreclose you from recovery.

The outcome of the situation will vary based on your specific circumstances.

Here, we’ll help you understand the different types of pre-existing conditions and how to go about pursuing compensation if you’ve been injured even if you have a pre-existing condition. (more…)

How to Choose the Right Personal Injury Lawyer

Posted on: October 16th, 2017

Woman thinking about choosing a personal injury lawyerIf you or a loved one is seriously injured, choosing the right personal injury lawyer is an important decision that will impact the rest of your life. The attorney who represents you will be your advocate to ensure you receive the money you need for future medical treatment, and supporting your family for years to come. Finding the right attorney is more than just finding someone who can get you a quick settlement.

At Maynard O’Connor, we think that in addition to getting you all of the money you deserve, your attorney should also be someone who you can talk to, trust, and who will help guide you through this difficult time in your life. We understand you have serious injuries and are facing difficult challenges. (more…)

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