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Archive for the ‘Personal Injury’ Category

How To Decide If It Is Time To Bring A Lawsuit

Posted on: September 7th, 2017

Man deciding if it's time to pursue a lawsuitMany people have the misconception that if you’ve been in an accident, you need to file a lawsuit right away. However, this “rush to the courthouse” should be discouraged, and is sometimes detrimental to your recovery.

The decision as to whether or not to file a lawsuit is actually quite complicated, and involves weighing a number of factors and the consideration of many relevant issues. (more…)

How a Biomechanical Expert Can Help Your Case

Posted on: May 15th, 2017

Fender Bender Car AccidentIn cases involving motor vehicle accidents, the plaintiff must prove three things: liability, damages, and causation – that the accident caused your injuries.

That last element can sometimes be tricky to prove, particularly in the case of accidents with minimal damage to vehicles.

Insurance companies will sometimes reject claims where there are “soft tissue” injuries (herniated discs or injuries to the spine), but only minimal damages. In those cases, a biomechanical expert can help confirm that the impact was indeed sufficient to cause injury. (more…)

Attorney Alex Stabinski successfully negotiates a $475,000 settlement for his client who suffered significant injuries after falling off a roof

Posted on: May 8th, 2017

Adam L. StabinskiAttorney Alex Stabinski was successful in negotiating a settlement of $475,000 for his client who suffered serious injuries, lost wages, and medical expenses after falling off a roof during the course of his work.

The client’s employer failed to provide him with any safety devices for the roofing work, and also failed to secure workers’ compensation coverage for his employees.

By the time this individual came to Alex for legal advice he had been unable to work for a significant period of time, was drowning in debt, could not afford essential medical treatment, and could not support his family. He was desperate. (more…)

Serious Injury on Someone Else’s Property: Injuries That Occur at a Residence That’s Not Your Own

Posted on: May 1st, 2017

Man injured at friend's residence in pain holding his backSerious injuries can happen anywhere! The truth is that every year, many people are severely injured at residences or properties that are not their own.

Whether it’s a slip and fall on ice, falling on unsafe stairs, injuries in a swimming pool – the list of potential causes for serious injuries goes on.

Though most people are aware of the potential for these types of injuries when they are out and about, many individuals are not sure of what to do if they were to incur such an injury, especially if that injury were to happen on a friend or acquaintance’s property.

So what do you do if you’re seriously injured on someone else’s property? What happens when an injury occurs at a residence that is not your own? (more…)

Driving Drowsy is Driving Impaired

Posted on: March 27th, 2017

Drowsy DriverWhen a driver is sleep deprived, their reaction time slows down. They may not be able to hit their brakes as quickly, and they may not be able to swerve out of the way of obstacles before a crash. As a result, drowsy driving can be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has recently included drowsy driving in their definition of impaired driving. The Governor’s Highway Safety Association recently released a report stating that the number of crashes caused by drowsy driving each year is 328,000 on average. Additionally, nearly 5,000 people were killed in accidents caused by drowsy driving in 2015. (more…)

Proving Fault in a Slip and Fall Case

Posted on: March 20th, 2017

Slip and Fall SignSlip and fall cases are some of the more challenging ones to fight because proving fault could be very difficult. Determining who is legally responsible is complicated because these types of accidents happen frequently and for countless reasons.

Think about how many times you’ve missed a step, tripped walking up the stairs or slipped on ice. Did those accidents occur because you weren’t being careful or paying close enough attention? Or was your slip and fall caused by a negligent property owner?

How is Fault Determined in a Slip and Fall Case?

Winning a slip and fall lawsuit means proving your injury was caused by a dangerous condition that the property owner was aware of, but did nothing about. It might sound simple enough, but these cases are full of gray areas. (more…)

Falling Snow or Ice Could Lead to Premises Liability

Posted on: March 13th, 2017

During the winter months, snow and ice accumulate on buildings, window ledges, eaves and awnings. When temperatures rise, that ice can loosen an suddenly break free, crashing down on to pedestrians, vehicles, or another building. The damages caused by falling ice and snow can range from moderate property damage to serve personal injury or even death.

If you or someone you love was struck by falling ice or hardened snow, you should speak with an experienced personal injury law firm right away. They can help you determine if the building’s owner may be partial or completely liable for those damages due to premises liability.

If you or a loved one have been injured, please call the personal injury attorneys at Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto for a free consultation, and to ensure that your interests are promptly and properly protected. You can reach us via phone at (800) 721-3553, or contact us online to set up a free case review with a member of our legal team.

Bar Liability for Accidents Caused by Intoxicated Customers

Posted on: February 27th, 2017

Bartender Serving DrinksObviously, significant – and sometimes even fatal – motor vehicle accidents can be caused by drunk drivers. Unfortunately, those drivers often lack sufficient insurance to compensate victims for their injuries. In that instance, there is often no further recourse available to the injured party.

However, under certain circumstances, the bar or restaurant that served that driver with alcohol may be held liable as well.

Read on to learn more about bar liability for accidents caused by drunk drivers and intoxicated customers.


Think You Have Been Injured Due To Someone Else’s Negligence? Here Are Five Things To Do In The Initial Moments After The Accident.

Posted on: February 6th, 2017

ChecklistAccidents happen. They are part of life. However, there are many people who have fallen victim to an accident due to the fault of another. The justice system affords these victims opportunities to recover damages based on another person or entity’s degree of fault. Often times, however, people are left wondering what to do immediately following an accident.

For example, say you are driving. Through no fault of your own, another car runs a stop sign and T-bones the passenger side of your car.

Assuming you are capable, here are five things you can do immediately after this to help your potential personal injury claim: (more…)

Understanding Injuries to the Spine

Posted on: January 30th, 2017

Medical team examining a spine injuryPerhaps one of the most common injuries from accidents are injuries to the spine. These injuries commonly arise from the forces placed upon the body in a motor vehicle accident or by the blunt trauma caused by a fall on a sidewalk or at a construction site.

Injuries to the spinal column can range from simple temporary “whiplash” to devastating and life-changing limitations. Even a spine injury that initially appears to be relatively minor can often have long-term and permanent effects. (more…)

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