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Archive for the ‘Personal Injury’ Category

What Information to Share With Your Personal Injury Attorney?

Posted on: January 23rd, 2017

Magnifying GlassIf you’ve been injured and are hoping to bring a viable personal injury case, you may be wondering:

What information should I share with my attorney?

How much information does he or she need to know about my past?

I’ve been involved in previous accidents and I’ve been injured before. Should details about those incidents be disclosed?

While you may feel intimidated by the concept of sharing so much information with your attorney, if you want to bring a successful personal injury case communicating clearly and openly with your personal injury lawyer about past accidents and injuries is imperative. (more…)

Caution! The Beverage You Are About to Enjoy May Be Extremely Hot! – The Hot Coffee Lawsuit

Posted on: November 14th, 2016

Hot coffee image on the side of many disposable coffee cupsWe will soon be reaching the 25th anniversary of perhaps the most infamous personal injury litigation of the modern era “Liebeck v. McDonald’s,”  more commonly known as the ‘hot coffee’ case.

The Liebeck case, and the subsequent verdict, touched off a call for massive ‘tort reform’. Even to this date, defense attorneys often raise that case during jury selection to suggest to jurors the risk of excessive verdicts. However, it is worth revisiting that case and exploring some misconceptions about that case and its aftermath. (more…)

What is Post-Concussion Syndrome?

Posted on: August 15th, 2016

Man Suffering From ConcussionHead injuries can be caused in many ways. Whether you are involved in a slip and fall accident, a car accident, a construction accident, or any other kind of accident where the head can be impacted, the unfortunate reality is that a serious head injury may be the end result.

While injuries like broken bones can be easy to diagnose and straightforward to treat, TBIs (Traumatic Brain Injuries) can be a bit more challenging. No two head injuries are the same and they often manifest themselves in different ways, making them difficult to identify. In fact, you yourself may not even realize your brain has been injured until well after your involvement in an accident.

One way you may become suspicious that you’ve sustained a brain injury following an accident is if you are experiencing symptoms of post-concussion syndrome. (more…)

Amusement Park Attorneys

Posted on: August 9th, 2016

caution amusement park

Amusement parks and fairs are fun places for children and families to visit. Included in that fun is getting the rush of adrenaline and excitement when riding a roller coaster or other ride that whips us around at a high speed, and makes us feel a little scared. But, deep down we know, those rides are supposed to be safe.

Unfortunately, though amusement park rides and attractions are supposed to be safe and must comply with numerous codes and regulations, accidents do still happen for a number of reasons. (more…)

Swim Safely this Summer: Avoiding Swimming Pool Slip and Fall Accidents, Head Injuries & More

Posted on: July 18th, 2016

Caution Wet Floor Sign by PoolWith the weather finally warming up in New York, it’s time to cool off at the pool or enjoy the local water park. While grilling and playing in and around the water makes for an ideal afternoon, we must not lose sight of the dangers that exist to ensure fun does not turn into tragedy.

Swimming Pool Slip and Fall Accidents, Injuries & Illnesses

Unfortunately, each year there are thousands of recreational water related injuries and illnesses. While some of these are more obvious, such as head and traumatic brain injuries from diving into water that is too shallow and slip-and-fall accidents that occur on pool decks around the water, others pool related injuries and ailments are less apparent.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), swimming pool related outbreaks of stomach and diarrheal related illnesses have had marked increases over the last several years. Moreover, drains pose a significant risk to small children and young adults. Severe injuries or even death can occur as a result of getting sucked into or stuck in pool drains. (more…)

Should I “Go It Alone” or Hire A Personal Injury Attorney After a Car Accident?

Posted on: May 27th, 2016

Car that has been in car accidentThe time following your involvement in a car accident can be stressful and challenging for a number of reasons. From handling insurance claims to recovering from injuries, there is a lot to manage following a car accident. Even seemingly minor car accidents can disrupt your daily life.

Despite this, some people choose to “go it alone” after a car accident, handling all correspondence with insurance companies and healthcare providers, claims, settlements and recovery efforts on their own. While this is the right choice for some, it can also make recovering from a car accident even more difficult. (more…)

A Prior Injury or Pre-Existing Condition Does Not Foreclose You From Recovery

Posted on: February 29th, 2016

Two doctors reviewing an xray of a patient's preexisting conditionMany personal injury clients come to their attorney with a history of some prior injury or pre-existing medical condition, often involving prior neck pain, back pain, or headaches.

In some cases, the accident that caused these afflictions may have happened long ago and the client has long since recovered. In other cases, the client may still be coping with residual pain from the prior injury when the new accident happens.

When it comes to pursuing a current personal injury case, the question is: how will the pre-existing injury affect the new claim? (more…)

Firm Successful in Food Poisoning/Peanut Allergy Claim

Posted on: January 18th, 2016

Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto was recently successful in negotiating a settlement in a food poisoning claim against a popular local restaurant. (more…)

The Importance of Witnesses in Personal Injury Cases

Posted on: January 11th, 2016

Woman taking notes based on witness feedback after an accidentWhen it comes to pursuing a personal injury case following an accident, witnesses to your accident can be crucial to the successful outcome of your case.

Why Are Witnesses Important to Personal Injury Cases?

Personal injury cases contain an assortment of issues including evidence, damages, proof, and liability to determine negligence and compensation. Witnesses in personal injury cases can provide important testimony to support elements of causation, liability and damages. (more…)

Tips for Taking Down the Christmas Tree After the Holidays

Posted on: December 28th, 2015

Even though taking down the Christmas tree isn’t nearly as fun as putting it up, it is just as important in terms of safety precautions.  The longer the tree stays up, the greater a fire hazard it becomes.

The following are tips for when and how to take down the tree: (more…)

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