May is National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and coincides with spring, which is traditionally one of the most dangerous times of year for motorcycle riders. As weather warms up, motorcyclists take to the road again, and are unfortunately often involved in catastrophic motorcycle accidents. These accidents are particularly tragic, as they are often entirely avoidable.
We use this opportunity to remind all drivers to safely share the road and for motorcycle drivers to use judgment and protect themselves when going for a ride day or night.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 5,172 motorcyclists killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2017—a decrease of 3 percent since the previous year. However, startling statistics were found regarding unlicensed motorcycle riders, riders wearing inadequate protection, and riding under the influence of alcohol and drugs, among other things.
Per vehicle miles traveled, motorcyclists are 28 times more likely than car passengers to die in a traffic crash. In order to turn this statistic around, it’s both motorcycle riders and car drivers duties to follow safe driving tips and always looks twice.
Motorcyclists have the same rights and privileges as any motor vehicle driver on the roadway, but other inattentive drivers often fail to notice them. Although most motorcyclists wear helmets and protective body gear, there additional preventative measures you can take to help prevent motorcycle crashes and serious injuries.
Make Yourself Visible
One of the leading causes in motorcycle/car accidents is driver visibility. Wearing brightly colored clothing and reflective material makes you stand out against the road and be more visible to other drivers, particularly at night.
Use DOT-Compliant Motorcycle Helmets
The number of motorcycle riders wearing approved helmets was 65.2 percent of all drivers in 2017. The best hope of surviving a serious motorcycle crash is protecting your brain with a proper DOT-Compliant helmet. Not wearing a helmet greatly increases your risk of permanent injury or death.
Always Ride Sober
28% of motorcycle riders killed in 2017 were riding drunk. As with driving cars, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol can great inhibit your judgement, alertness, and reaction time. Specifically with motorcycles, riding under the influence can affect your balance, coordination, and throttle control. When you ride under the influence, you are a hazard to other vehicles and pedestrians as well as yourself.
IN NEED OF A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer For Albany, Johnstown, or Saugerties NY?
The firm has previously participated at the Americade Motorcyle Rally in Lake George, New York, to promote motorcycle safety awareness and raise funds for an injured client. We have successfully represented victims of motorcycle accidents from Amsterdam, Catskill, Gloversville, Hudson, and elsewhere in Upstate New York and understand the unique safety issues effecting responsible riders.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, please contact us immediately, and allow us to help you return to the road.
Are Motorcycle Helmets Required in NY? – Learn about New York State’s motorcycle helmet laws and get the details on what the consequences are if you violate NY’s motorcycle helmet regulations.
Share the Road! Look Twice For Motorcycles! – Motorcyclists have the same right to the road as any other motor vehicle. Read our tips for drivers of all vehicles for being alert of motorcycles and avoiding crashes.
Important Things to Know About Car Accidents Involving Motorcyclists – Learn about what constitutes a serious injury in New York and get the details about what options you have for pursuing compensation if you’re a motorcyclist injured in an accident with another vehicle.
Editor’s note: This content was originally published in 2013 but has been updated as of May 2019.