Most truck accident lawyers will agree it is significantly more likely that a collision with a large commercial truck will result in serious injury or death than if the vehicles involved are both passenger vehicles–and recent statistics prove just that.
In 2017, there was a 9-percent increase in fatal crashes caused by large trucks and buses compared to the previous year. These statistics present a scary situation for New York residents, who drive alongside tractor trailers on most likely a daily basis. In an effort to educate passenger drivers on trucking accidents and the causes associated with them, we’ve compiled our top resources if you’re ever involved in a trucking accident.
Trucking Accidents Hit Passenger Drivers the Most
The reasons for the higher risk of trucking accidents are obvious: cars, pickup trucks and other passenger vehicles are physically no match for large trucks pulling enormous loads at high rates of speed. Even the box trucks used by construction and delivery companies can cause total damage to smaller vehicles.
In 2017, a total of 4,102 people died in large truck crashes. Seventeen percent of these deaths were truck occupants, 68 percent were occupants of cars and other passenger vehicles, and 14 percent were pedestrians, bicyclists or motorcyclists. Those percentages indicate how little protection passenger vehicles provide in crashes with semi-trucks and tractor trailers.
Leading Causes of Trucking Accidents in NY
With trucking accidents on the rise, it’s important to understand the common causes of trucking accidents and how they contribute to a personal injury lawsuit:
Driver Negligence
Despite strict regulation of the trucking industry, negligence on the part of the truck drivers and their employees still results in devastating consequences. Some examples of this include driving while under the influence, traveling too fast for conditions, and unfamiliarity with roadway.
Driver Fatigue
By law, truck drivers are required to limit their hours of service and take rest breaks. In far too many accidents, however, truck driver fatigue is a factor. Trucking companies must also avoid pressuring truck drivers to work long hours that violate state regulations.
Truck Problems
In some cases, defective equipment and truck parts contribute to a collision. Common cases of this are brake problems which prevent a truck from stopping in time, and improper loading, which is when unsecured freight can fall from the truck and damage unsuspecting motorists
Your Trucking Accident Attorneys for Albany, Saugerties, Johnstown & Upstate NY
If you have been injured in a crash with a large commercial vehicle, then a personal injury attorney with experience in handling truck accident claims can investigate your case and work to maximize your compensation. Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto’s personal injury attorneys serve the Capital Region and Hudson Valley areas from three convenient office locations in Albany, Saugerties and Johnstown. Call 800-721-3553 or contact us today to schedule your free consultation.
Additional Resources Related to Trucking Accidents
5 Things to Do Immediately Following a Car Accident to Help Your Personal Injury Claim: Review this list so you are prepared to protect your rights if you’re involved in a trucking accident.
Why You Need A Lawyer After a Car Crash in Upstate NY– Learn more about the benefits of hiring a personal immediately following a trucking accident in Upstate NY.
Do I Still Have a Case if I am Partially to Blame for a NY Car Accident? — Understand comparative negligence and how that affects your ability to file a personal injury case after a trucking accident.
Editor’s note: This content was originally published in 2014 but has been updated as of June 2019.