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Maynard, O’Connor Successful In Wrongful Death Car Accident Settlement

Posted on: April 13th, 2015

Concetta Lomanto of Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, LLP, recently settled a wrongful death case on behalf of a widow whose husband was killed in a car that sped off the road and crashed into a tree. A thorough investigation of the matter revealed the possibility that both drivers involved may have been drag-racing their vehicles for sport, which led to the fatal accident of the widow’s husband.

Attorney Lomanto secured a $250,000 car accident settlement for the widow of the passenger following negotiations with both drivers’ insurance carriers without the need for trial.

Maynard Injury Law has frequently represented victims of motor vehicle accidents to a successful conclusion on behalf of its clients. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident and would like to learn more about how Attorney Concetta Lomanto’s experience can assist you, please contact her directly at (518) 465-3553 or by email at lomanto@maynardoconnorlaw.com.

Maynard, O’Connor Has Heart!

Posted on: February 9th, 2015

Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, LLP team all wearing redOn February 6th, Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, LLP participated in the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women “National Wear Red Day” by wearing red in support of the cause. The firm also made a contribution to the continuing work of the American Heart Association.

Although great strides have been made in diagnosing and treating heart disease, 1 in 3 women die of heart disease and stroke. Further information can be found at:




Firm Supports Annual “Dancing in the Woods” Benefit

Posted on: January 19th, 2015

For nearly twenty-five years, Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, LLP has proudly served as one of the sponsors of Dancing in the Woods, the annual black-tie gala to benefit Albany Medical Center Hospital’s Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders. The “Melodies Center” is the Capital Region’s primary provider of care to infants and children with leukemia, lymphoma, and other life-threatening blood cancers.

Dancing in the Woods is one of the largest and most successful fundraising event in our region, raising $7 million since its inception in 1983.  Rob Rausch once again served as co-chair of the event, and has been involved with its planning and organization for the past eighteen years.

This year, the event was held on Friday, December 5thth, at the Armory on the Sage College campus, with over 800 guests in attendance.

Adam T. Mandell, Esq. Named Partner

Posted on: January 5th, 2015

ATM COLOR PHOTOAdam T. Mandell, Esq., of Palenville, New York, was named a partner of Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, LLP, effective January 1, 2015.

Adam joined the firm as an associated attorney in 2008 and has successfully represented individuals, businesses and municipal entities in State and Federal Courts. He primarily practices in the firm’s Saugerties Office, with a concentration in the areas of personal injury, wrongful death, medical malpractice, commercial matters and complex litigation. He also devotes a portion of his practice to appellate advocacy.

Adam graduated from Hobart College in 2001. He attended Western New England College School of Law, where he earned his J.D. in 2006, cum laude.

Adam is a Delegate to the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) House of Delegates, a Board Member of the Ulster County Bar Association, and serves on the Committee for Character and Fitness for the Third Judicial District. He was also selected to be included in the 2014 listing of Super Lawyers Rising Stars.

Adam lives in the Catskills with his wife and son. Adam enjoys spending time outdoors, hiking and biking with his family in the Catskills and the Hudson Valley.

Harmed in a Skiing or Snowboarding Accident? Contact the Attorneys at Maynard O’Connor

Posted on: December 22nd, 2014

With the winter months quickly approaching, lots of us are eager to get back to the mountains.  Upstate New York has many fantastic ski resorts, such as Belleayre Mountain, Catamount Ski Area, Gore Mountain, Hunter Mountain, Whiteface Mountain and Windham Mountain, to name a few.

If you’re injured while skiing or snowboarding, you may wonder, whether you can sue the ski resort or the other skier or snowboarder who caused your accident? Although skiers and boarders assume certain risks associated in these sports, a ski resort or another skier/snowboarder may be held responsible in certain circumstances.

A resort may be held responsible if it has unreasonably increased the risk of injury, created an unknown or unexpected danger, or failed to address a known risk.  Ski resorts are responsible for maintaining a safe skiing area, and marking potential hazards to skiers and snowboarders.  Ski resorts must also maintain and operate their ski lifts safely to avoid serious accidents.

It is the responsibility of all skiers and snowboarders to ski/ride safely, under control and to avoid collisions whenever possible.  Another skier or snowboarder can be held liable if she or he acts recklessly and causes a collision or accident.

If you are injured on the mountain, contact the attorneys at Maynard O’Connor for a free consultation. Call 800-721-3553 or send us an email.

Raising Awareness About Risks of Drunk Driving in New York

Posted on: December 8th, 2014

Raising awareness and educating people about the severe risks associated with impaired driving can help save lives.  DWI accidents frequently have devastating consequences, and every one of these crashes is absolutely preventable.  With safety and prevention in mind, let’s consider some facts from Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

In terms of collisions, injuries, deaths and arrests, roughly 1/3 of the problem of drunk driving is due to repeat offenders, according to MADD.  It is estimated that between 50-75% of DWI offenders who have had their license taken away continue to drive. Drunk driving in New York is no exception, though the state’s Leandra’s Law provides for the installation of ignition interlock devices after a DWI conviction to counter this statistic. Even with this, however, more needs to be done to prevent first and subsequent offenses.

MADD reports that close to one out of every three fatal motor vehicle accidents involve a drunk driver – an estimate that is particularly telling when you consider these numbers:

  • Each year, Americans make about 233 billion car trips.
  • Out of every 2,000 of those trips, one involves a driver who is under the influence of alcohol.

In other words, a proportionally small amount of the population – drunk drivers – cause a proportionally huge amount of damage and loss.  MADD reports that someone is hurt in a drunk driving accident every 90 seconds, and on average, someone is killed every 53 minutes in a DWI crash.

After an injurious or fatal DWI accident, victims or their families have a right to seek justice in civil court in addition to criminal court.  In a civil capacity, a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit can lead to compensation for damages as well as hold the wrong doer fully accountable.

If you or a loved one have been harmed due to someone driving while impaired, let the personal injury attorneys at Maynard, O’Conner, Smith & Catalinotto help you. Our offices are conveniently located in Albany, Johnstown & Saugerties, serving clients throughout the Capital Region as well as Hudson, Amsterdam and other areas of Upstate New York. Contact us or give us a call at (800) 721-3553 to schedule a free consultation.

Congratulations to the Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto LLP AYSO U12 Soccer Champs!

Posted on: December 1st, 2014

Maynard, O'Connor, Smith & Catalinotto LLP AYSO Soccer TeamMaynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, LLP, is a proud sponsor of the Saugerties American Youth Soccer Organization. This was the firm’s sixth season sponsoring a team in the AYSO. This year the team sponsored, played in the U12 division and won their division at 8-1.

Attorney Michael E. Catalinotto Jr. and paralegal Michelle Altieri each had a daughter playing for the Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto AYSO soccer team.

Congratulations to the team on a terrific season!




The Case Against the NFL: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Can Have Devastating Effects

Posted on: November 24th, 2014

The following is an outline for the mechanisms of damage from minor head trauma:

  • A mild traumatic brain injury occurs when the skull is pressed into the brain
  • The impact damages blood vessels lining the skull, causing some to burst or leak
  • The body responds, in part, by producing molecules called reactive oxygen species, which mistake the injury for the intrusion of a foreign body

Useful at fighting bacterial infections, such as E.Coli, the reactive oxygen species swarm around the injury and instead of healing it, cause damage by tearing up the glial limitans within membranes separating the brain from the fluids around it. Fluids carrying reactive oxygen species from the damaged blood vessels leak through the new holes in the membrane and come into contact with brain tissue, destroying it.

It is believed that this process is what plays a fundamental role in the development of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the disease that has been found in the autopsied brains of deceased retired NFL footballs players which has led to litigation against the NFL by thousands of former players who sued over the alleged mistreatment of concussions for decades by NFL doctors.  CTE and the concussion epidemic are the reasons the MFL has agreed to pay $765 million to those players.

The NFL has stated in federal court documents that it expects nearly 1/3 of retired players to develop long term cognitive problems and that the conditions are likely to emerge at a younger age than in the general population.

Despite the NFLs disputes over the years against evidence that its players had a high rate of severe brain damage, the findings were found and prepared by actuaries hired by the league and provided to the United States District Court Judge presiding over the settlement between the NFL and 5,000 former players who sued the league, claiming that it had hidden and downplayed the dangers of concussions from them.

The findings are forecasting that the players will develop these long term cognitive problems at a notably younger age than the general population.  The findings also confirm what scientists have said for years: that playing football increases the risk of developing neurological conditions like chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative brain disease that can only be identified in an autopsy.

Due to this research, the league may be pressured to acknowledge the connection between football and brain diseases.  However, an NFL spokesman’s lawyer said the findings were inflated due to the fact that they were solely based on medical diagnosis reported by the players who sued the league.  He said the findings do not reflect the prediction of the number of players who will suffer traumatic brain injuries.  They are intended to show the Court that even if unexpectedly high numbers of players were injured, there still would be sufficient money to play the claims.

The actuarial numbers were released by the NFL and representatives of retired players who are suing the league.


Local Municipalities Debate Installation of Traffic Cameras

Posted on: November 10th, 2014

In recent years, we have seen a proliferation of “red light cameras”, also known as “speed cameras” – cameras mounted alongside traffic lights at busy intersections and school zones, to detect vehicles running red lights or speeding. Such cameras utilize sensors which detect when a vehicle travels through a red light or is traveling above the posted speed limit.  When a vehicle passes through a red light, these traffic cameraa will take a photograph of the vehicle’s license plate, transmit it to the appropriate local authority, and a fine is issued to the car’s registrant via mail.

Earlier this summer, Governor Cuomo signed legislation authorizing additional cameras in Albany, as well as New Rochelle, Mount Vernon and Yonkers.

The City of Albany is presently engaging in a traffic study to assess where such cameras would be placed.  Advocates for such cameras stress that reliance upon such technology  will reduce reliance upon police resources, will decrease crashes, and will enhance the safety of pedestrians and motorists.  Opponents maintain that such programs infringe upon civil liberties, allow for a risk of inaccurate citations, and eliminate the “human component” of issuing traffic tickets.

Regardless of one’s position on the issue, perhaps the greatest incidental benefit of this debate is to focus attention on safe driving practices and to change drivers’ behavior. Intersection accidents – whether due to speeding, violation of traffic control devices, use of cell phones, or inattentiveness, remain one of the most common collisions.  Damages from such accidents may range from simple vehicle damage to significant personal injuries.

Another potential benefit is that such photos may be used as evidence in any subsequent civil proceeding.  However, such videos or photos may only be preserved for a very short time, before the data is overwritten or automatically deleted.  As a result, it is often necessary to promptly demand that the municipality preserve such materials.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car crash, please contact the personal injury attorneys at Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto.  We can take the necessary steps to secure videos or photos of the accident, place negligent parties on notice of your claims, and help you obtain the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages. Our three office locations in Albany, Saugerties and Johnstown are convenient to both Capital Region and Hudson Valley communities.

Halloween Safety Tips From Maynard O’Connor

Posted on: October 27th, 2014

Happy Halloween from Maynard O’Connor!

Halloween is a lot of fun.  But, it also presents a greater risk for injury to our children.  Here are some helpful Halloween safety tips if you and your children are going out trick or treating this year.

  • Make sure your child can walk easily in his or her costume and that no parts obstruct his or her vision – use face paint instead of cumbersome masks;
  • Make sure props like toy swords or knives are soft, short and flexible;
  • Never let your child trick or treat alone, and accompany your child up to the doors of homes;
  • Use sidewalks and walkways, do not cut across people’s yards where there might be unknown hazards hidden in the dark;
  • Attach lights or reflective material to your child’s costume;
  • Make sure your child’s costume is flame resistant or flame retardant;
  • Examine all candy for choking hazards. Throw away homemade or unwrapped candy;
  • Never enter a person’s home or vehicle unless with a trusted adult; and,
  • If you’re driving, be on the careful lookout for pedestrians dressed in dark costumes.


We hope everyone has a fun and safe time trick or treating!  If your child or you are injured while trick or treating, please call the accident attorneys at Maynard O’Connor.



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