Perhaps the most common injury sustained in accidents is what is commonly known as “whiplash”. The term “whiplash” may include a variety of injuries to the muscles of ligaments of the cervical and lumbar spine. Although such injuries may sometimes be referred to as “soft tissue injuries”, whiplash can certainly be severe and life-changing.
Although whiplash injuries most commonly arise in rear-end collisions, they can also occur in any type of car accident or any slip, trip and fall accident. Such injuries occur when there is any sudden strain or impact to the neck, causing an abrupt acceleration applied to the bones, muscles, and nerves in the upper back and neck. The most common symptoms of whiplash injuries include pain in the neck and shoulders, numbness and a “pins and needles” sensation extending to the shoulders and arms, and stiffness and limitation throughout the neck and back. It is not uncommon for such complaints to linger and to actually intensify in the days and weeks after an accident. What might appear to simply be complaints of persistent pain may actually be “masking” underlying injuries to discs and vertebrae.
Because of the potential risk of significant underlying injuries, it is important to obtain immediate medical treatment. A medical provider can perform a thorough examination and order objective tests to assess the extent of your injuries and to establish an appropriate course of treatment. Your treatment might simply consist of heat and anti-inflammatory medication, but could also include physical therapy, pain management, chiropractic treatment, and perhaps even surgery to address more substantial injuries. Obtaining prompt medical treatment will not only help remedy your medical complaints, but will also ensure that your injury is fully documented should you choose to pursue litigation later.
Whiplash is a very real injury with significant consequences. If you have sustained whiplash-type injuries in any accident, please contact Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto for a free consultation. We can provide you with guidance and recommendations on treating and documenting your injuries, and ensure that you preserve your rights if you choose to pursue litigation later.