(800) 721-3553

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A Personal Injury Law Firm You Can Trust.

Motorcycle accident attorneys serving Albany, Johnstown, Hudson, Saugerties, Ulster County NY

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys You Can Trust in Albany & Saugerties NY

Motorcyclists have the same rights and privileges as all other vehicle drivers they share the roads with. They do not, however, have the same physical protection to keep them safe as they travel.

Even responsible motorcyclists wearing helmets and protective body gear remain extremely vulnerable when out on the roadways. As a result, when accidents involving motorcycles occur, they often result in devastating and sometimes fatal injuries to motorcyclists.

At Maynard Injury Law, we understand this, and we’ve made it our mission to protect the rights of injured motorcyclists when the negligence of other drivers has put them in harm’s way. We have successfully represented victims of motorcycle accidents in the past and understand the unique legal issues affecting responsible motorcyclists in the Albany, Saugerties, Amsterdam, Catskill, Gloversville, Hudson, Johnstown and the Capital Region of Upstate NY.

We Understand Motorcycle Accidents

Our experienced motorcycle accident attorneys in Albany, Hudson, Johnstown, Saugerties and Ulster County NY understand that accidents involving even the safest motorcyclists often result in injuries far greater than what another car driver might suffer, and have a greater risk of fractures, permanent disability, or even fatality.

We firmly believe that most motorcyclists are responsible drivers who observe legal limits and rules of the road, but also recognize that motorcyclists face different hazards than drivers of traditional vehicles. We recognize that:

  • Other cars and trucks often fail to notice motorcycles on the road, and fail to take that critical second look before changing lanes
  • Because of their relatively small size, motorcycles can be easily hidden in a car’s blind spot or obscured by objects in the background
  • Other drivers frequently misjudge a motorcycle’s speed, or mistakenly believe that it is farther away than it actually is

We also understand that the motorcycle accident that left you seriously injured may not have been your fault. And if it was caused by the negligence of another driver, you may be entitled to compensation.

If a motorcycle accident in Upstate NY left you seriously injured, we’re here to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Protecting Your Rights as a Motorcyclist

Legal issues arising from motorcycle accidents are unique and, at times, complex. For instance, unlike traditional automobile accidents, No-Fault insurance coverage does not apply to motorcyclists. This can result in significant medical expenses and lost income that may not be compensated by insurance, making your claim against the other party even more important.

This, and other important distinctions between an auto and motorcycle accidents, may affect your recovery of expenses and compensation. As motorcycle accident attorneys with decades of experience, we know what it takes to protect your rights if you’ve been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident. We’re willing to work with you every step of the way to protect your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.

Important Things to Know About Car Accidents Involving Motorcyclists – Learn about what constitutes a serious injury in New York and get the details about what options you have for pursuing compensation if you’re a motorcyclist injured in an accident with another vehicle.

You’re Not Just a Biker. You’re a Person. Let Our Experienced NY Motorcycle Attorneys Help You Get The Compensation You Deserve.

At Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, we are friends of the motorcycle community. We appreciate your safety concerns and have previously participated at the Americade Motorcycle Rally in Lake George, New York, to promote motorcycle safety awareness.

We also know firsthand that even the safest, most responsible bikers can be seriously injured while doing what they love.

We have successfully represented victims of motorcycle accidents in the past and understand the unique legal issues affecting responsible motorcyclists. With three office locations throughout New York State, we are a convenient and reliable choice for motorcyclists throughout the Capital District as well as Hudson, Amsterdam, Castkill, Gloversville, and other areas of Upstate New York.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, please contact us immediately, and allow us share our knowledge of the law to help you on your road to recovery. Give us a call at (800) 721-3553 or click here to schedule your free case review today.

Additional Resources Related to Motorcycle Accidents:

Are Motorcycle Helmets Required in NY? – Learn about New York State’s motorcycle helmet laws and get the details on what the consequences are if you violate NY’s motorcycle helmet regulations.

Tips for Surviving a Motorcycle Accident – Motorcyclists are especially vulnerable on the road. Read our tips for avoiding crashes and surviving a crash if one is inevitable.

Winter Road Hazards for Motorcyclists- Check out our winter tips for smooth riding, including common winter road hazards and tips for winter riding.

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