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NY Slip & Fall Attorneys Serving Albany, Saugerties & Beyond

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident, you are not alone. Every year, thousands of people are severely hurt as the result of slip and fall accidents that were no fault of their own.

From slipping on black ice or tripping on an uneven sidewalk to falling on slippery pool decks, slip and fall accidents can happen anyplace and anytime. While you may feel embarrassed, worried and overwhelmed following a slip and fall accident that left you injured you should also be aware that you may be entitled to compensation.

Here at Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, our NY slip and fall attorneys are here to help you obtain that compensation from the responsible party.

What You Need to Know About Pursuing a Premises Liability Case After a Slip and Fall Accident in New York State

Slip and fall accidents are also known as premises liability claims. Unlike other types of accidents, not every premises liability claim can be brought in a lawsuit. In order to bring a personal injury claim related to a slip and fall accident, the following must be proven:

  • The property owner caused the dangerous condition that caused the accident,
  • The property owner had notice of the dangerous condition that caused the accident but did nothing to rectify it, or
  • The property owner should have known about the dangerous condition that caused the accident

A property owner should be regularly monitoring or aware of potential hazards on his or her property, and can be held liable if they fail to do so, or if they are aware of a hazard but fail to take timely action to remove or repair it. Proving this may require proof of prior complaints, proof of how long the condition existed, or proof of the property owner’s maintenance and inspection practices.

After a slip and fall accident, it is also very important to quickly identify who owns the property and place the property owner on notice of the condition. In addition, different rules may apply if the property is owned by a municipality. For example, there is a very short deadline to file a claim against a municipality.

Because there are many complexities and technicalities when it comes to pursuing a slip and fall personal injury case, it is very important to contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible after you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a slip and fall accident.

Let Our Experienced NY Slip and Fall Attorneys Help You Recover

If you are injured because a property owner or a business fails to provide safe premises, you may have a right to bring a claim to compensate you for your pain and suffering, medical expenses, and lost wages. The personal injury attorneys at Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto can help guide you through this process, promptly identify the property owner, determine whether a claim exists, and assist you in timely filing your claim.

Well-versed in handling slip and fall accident litigation with offices in Albany NY and Saugerties NY, we are a convenient choice for those who have been injured in Albany, Saugerties, Amsterdam, Catskill, Gloversville, Hudson, Johnstown and throughout the Capital District. With decades of experience and a history of favorable verdicts and settlements for past clients, we can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

If you’re looking for a slip and fall attorney in Albany NY, Saugerties NY or elsewhere in New York State, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Call us at (800) 721-3553 or click here to schedule a FREE case review with one of our experienced lawyers today!

Related Resources: 

Proving Fault in a Slip and Fall Case – Learn about the process of proving fault in a slip and fall accident case and find out which type of lawyer will be most helpful in helping you pursue a case against a property owner.

How to Decide If It’s Time To Bring a Lawsuit – Review some of the key things to consider as you contemplate bringing a lawsuit to pursue compensation for your injuries.

How to Choose the Right Personal Injury Lawyer – Read our helpful tips for finding the best personal injury attorney to handle your specific case.

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