With the weather finally warming up in New York, it’s time to cool off at the pool or enjoy the local water park. While grilling and playing in and around the water makes for an ideal afternoon, we must not lose sight of the dangers that exist to ensure fun does not turn into tragedy.
Swimming Pool Slip and Fall Accidents, Injuries & Illnesses
Unfortunately, each year there are thousands of recreational water related injuries and illnesses. While some of these are more obvious, such as head and traumatic brain injuries from diving into water that is too shallow and slip-and-fall accidents that occur on pool decks around the water, others pool related injuries and ailments are less apparent.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), swimming pool related outbreaks of stomach and diarrheal related illnesses have had marked increases over the last several years. Moreover, drains pose a significant risk to small children and young adults. Severe injuries or even death can occur as a result of getting sucked into or stuck in pool drains.
Preventing Swimming Pool Accidents and Injuries
The best way to prevent swimming pool accidents is to be alert at all times while swimming or recreating in or around water. Keep a close eye on children and young adults as they swim, even if a lifeguard is on duty. Be sure to adhere to all pool safety rules and take appropriate precautions if any unsafe conditions appear before or during your time at the pool.
While it is important to be vigilant and protect yourself and your loved ones from risk of injury, pool owners also owe a duty to their guests. Often times a pool or water park owner’s adherence to state and federal laws, regulations and standards will prevent many injuries from occurring in the first place. However, unfortunately, a recent CDC investigation revealed thousands of public pools and water parks around the country had at least one violation of federal requirements putting all of us at risk of illness and injury.
What to Do If a Swimming Pool Accident Occurs
The first thing to do after a swimming pool accident occurs is to get medical help for the injured individual. Assisting this individual should be the absolute first priority. If you believe that someone else’s negligence may have led to the injury, do your best to collect information about the accident that occurred. Get the names and contact information for individuals who may have witnessed the accident and take photos of the scene of the accident if possible. This information will be incredibly helpful if you decide to pursue a personal injury case to obtain the compensation you deserve following a swimming pool accident.
The Legal Help You Need After a Swimming Pool Accident
The time following a swimming pool accident that resulted in a severe injury can be a challenging one. If you believe the accident you or a loved one was involved in may have been caused by the negligence of another individual, you’ll want to obtain legal representation as soon as possible.
Injured while enjoying a local pool or water park in Upstate NY and believe the owner may have failed in its duty to protect its guests? If so, the swimming pool accident attorneys at Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto are here to assist you. As personal injury experts serving Albany, Johnstown, Saugerties, Amsterdam, Catskill, Gloversville, Hudson and Capital District, we are here to provide counsel and advice on what can be done. We will guide you every step of the way if you choose to pursue a personal injury case to obtain the compensation you are entitled to.
Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto, LLP has a proven track record of holding property owners responsible for injuries that could have been prevented had their property and pools been properly maintained in a safe condition. If you’ve been injured in a swimming pool accident, give us a call at (800) 721-3553 or contact us online today to schedule your free case review.