Think you will never be involved in a car accident? Think again! According to statistics maintained by the car insurance industry, you should be expect to be involved in a car accident once every 18 years.
Although most accidents are simple routine “fender benders” that do not result in any physical injuries, motor vehicle accidents can cause significant injuries, ranging from fractures to disc injuries, and even fatalities. According to the National Safety Council’s most recent “2015 Injury Facts,” the odds of dying in a car accident may be as high as 1:112.
Tips for Avoiding Car Accidents
While accidents may not be entirely preventable, there are certain things that you can do to minimize the risk of being involved or injured in a motor vehicle accident, including:
- Take defensive driving classes periodically to refresh yourself on safe driving rules. (Often, taking such a course also has the added benefit of providing a discount on your insurance rates.)
- Follow the “rules of the road,” adhere to traffic control devices, and avoid speeding. Speed is a contributing factor in the vast majority of car accident cases we encounter. Simply providing yourself extra time to reach your destination can significantly reduce your risk of injuries.
- Keep your eyes on the road and avoid distractions. In particular, never text or operate a cell phone while driving. Studies have consistently demonstrated that distracted drivers have significantly reduced reaction time.
- Never drive impaired, or while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Always wear your seatbelt – even if you are only driving a short distance or in a parking lot. Even the most minimal collision can cause significant injuries to your cervical and lumbar spine. Wearing a seatbelt will keep you properly restrained and significantly reduce the severity of your injuries if you are involved in a car accident.
Prepare For an Accident, Just in Case
The chances you will be involved in a car accident are likely greater than you think. While it is difficult to prepare for a car accident, ensuring that you have sufficient auto insurance should an accident occur is a good first step.
Making sure that your coverage is adequate and includes “underinsured motorist” and “supplemental underinsured motorist” coverage is very important. Increased coverage levels, as well as UM/SUM coverage, will not only protect you from personal liability if you are involved in an accident, but may also provide you with additional protection if the negligent driver does not have appropriate coverage.
Involved in a Car Accident? Contact the Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers at Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto!
If you have been injured in a car crash, you should immediately seek medical attention and also advice your insurance company, but should also promptly call an attorney, to ensure that your rights and interests are fully preserved. Navigating issues regarding insurance coverage and payment of medical expenses can be very complicated and time-sensitive. The personal injury attorneys at Maynard, O’Connor, Smith & Catalinotto are experienced in handling such claims, and are available to provide a free confidential consultation.
With years of experience and case results that speak for themselves, our team of personal injury attorneys can help you obtain the compensation you deserve following your involvement in a car accident. Give us a call today at (800) 721-3553 or request a free case review today using our online contact form.