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Tips for Surviving a Motorcycle Accident

Posted on: August 24th, 2015

A red motorcycle parked alongside a lakeMotorcycle enthusiasts dread thinking about the possibility of a wreck on their bikes, but the reality is that many motorcyclists are killed or injured each year riding the roads.

Though motorcycle riding can be dangerous, there are ways for motorcyclists to increase their chances for surviving motorcycle wrecks and escaping serious injury.

Going beyond the obvious steps of wearing an approved helmet, boots and leather gear for protection, there are a number of steps motorcycle riders can take to increase their chances of survival in a motorcycle crash.

Tips for Surviving a Motorcycle Crash

If you ride a motorcycle regularly, or even on occasion, you want to be sure you’re putting safety first. Here are a few strategies to keep in mind to help you prevent collisions with cars and other vehicles you’re sharing the roadways with, and tips to help you survive a motorcycle accident if you’re involved in one.

How to Avoid Collisions While Riding a Motorcycle

  • Remember – cars have blind spots and many drivers are oblivious to motorcyclists. Avoid positioning your motorcycle where it can’t be seen.
  • Be alert for road hazards like spilled oil and dead animals.
  • Brake prior to entering turns and accelerate or coast through them to remain balanced.
  • Align your motorcycle with the outer tires of the car ahead. If they swerve to miss debris, you might be able to avoid it too.

How to Survive a Motorcycle Wreck as It’s Happening

  • When a wreck is inevitable, your best bet is to slow your speed and then lay the bike down. You may want to be as far away from moving projectiles as possible when staying out of the way of traffic.
  • Release the bike and kick or push it away.
  • Hollywood stuntmen learn to relax during falls and other stunts to minimize the potential for broken bones. You should attempt to do the same by not stiffening your limbs before impact.
  • Try to remain immobile after the crash until help arrives in order to keep from worsening your injuries.

Getting the Help You Need After a Motorcycle Accident

Surviving the initial crash is just the first step in what may be a long road to recovery. Medical and therapy bills can mount up quickly, and injured motorcycle riders might not be able to work for an extended time. In order to make ends meet, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a motorcycle accident, please contact Maynard Injury Law immediately. Our team of personal injury lawyers understand the unique legal issues affecting motorcyclists.

As your motorcycle accident attorneys in the Albany, Johnstown, Hudson, Saugerties and Ulster County NY areas, we will work with you to help you to understand your rights and return to the road. Give us a call today at (800) 721-3553 or fill out our online form to request a free case review.

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